I'm here to learn.


New Member
Jan 11, 2018
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I have been hearing my whole life, and continue to be for now. My hearing was slightly damaged due to fever in infancy. I served in the military for over a decade, and now I am steadily approaching becoming HOH.
I've recently begun to study ASL at my University, and decided that I would not settle for the basics. I'm going to attempt a double major in adult education and sign language interpreting.
I'm very interested to learn more about deaf culture, and especially about continuing education for deaf adults. I understand that not everyone chooses to, or has the means of attending college after high school. I'm very curious about how deaf adults learn trade skills such as auto mechanics, carpentry, or plumbing.

I'm also curious about when deaf people travel to other countries. If they rely on technology such as Google translate. How their life skills have prepared them for visiting other countries.

I guess I have a lot of questions, and I'm really curious about so much. For years I harbored deep fears and anxiety about losing my hearing. Since attending sign language classes, and meeting some very patient and kind deaf people, my outlook has changed considerably. I don't know if I will ever be fully deaf, but I receive a great deal of comfort in my preparation.