I was born with a progressive loss as well as calcium deposits in the ears. I did have some hearing for 41 years. As time went on, the calcium had spread over the ear drum and cochlea. The calcium squeezed it off and therefore I no longer have them. During a routine cleaning of the ear by the ENT, he noticed that there were chunks coming out. After an examination, he noticed the absence of the ear drum and cochlea. Now here in the last year or so, I have noticed more chunks coming out of my ear and when I took them to a ENT here in town, he noticed they are bone fragments. He examined and I am losing the bones in the ear as well. It's all related to the calcium theat is spreading in the ear. This current ENT has seen this type of thing before, but says it is not common at all. Possibly 1 in every 1,500,000 people has it or something like that.