I'm curious about ur Point of View of Animal Liberation Front?

Animal Liberation Front Claims Responsibility for Attack on Home of GlaxoSmithKline Executive

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By Brian Carnell
Friday, October 28, 2005

In October, the Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for Sept. 7 attack on the UK home of GlaxoSmithKline executive Paul Blackburn.

In an e-mail posted on animal rights extremists sites, the ALF claimed,

On the night of Weds 7th Sept we Brigade G of the Animal Liberation Front detonated a bomb on the doorstep of GlaxoSmithKline director Paul Blakburn, Beaconsfield, Bucks.

This contained 2 litres of fuel and 4 pounds of explosives. We did this because GSK is a customer of Huntingdon Life Sciences and GSK we realise that this may not be enough to make you stop using HLS, but GSK this is just the beginning.

We have identified and tracked down many of your senior executives and also junior staff, as well as those from other HLS customers.

Drop HLS or you will face the consequences. For all the animals inside HLS, we will be back.

Members of Blackburn's family were in the home when the extremists ignited the incendiary device -- so much for all that nonsense about ALF taking extreme care not to risk human lives.

The ALF also claimed responsibility for a September 23 attempted arson at a sports facility in Oxford.

AR.net >> Animal Liberation Front Claims Responsibility for Attack on Home of GlaxoSmithKline Executive
Animal Liberation Front Claims Responsibility for Attack on Home of GlaxoSmithKline Executive

All Related Articles topics
By Brian Carnell
Friday, October 28, 2005

In October, the Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for Sept. 7 attack on the UK home of GlaxoSmithKline executive Paul Blackburn.

In an e-mail posted on animal rights extremists sites, the ALF claimed,

Members of Blackburn's family were in the home when the extremists ignited the incendiary device -- so much for all that nonsense about ALF taking extreme care not to risk human lives.

The ALF also claimed responsibility for a September 23 attempted arson at a sports facility in Oxford.

AR.net >> Animal Liberation Front Claims Responsibility for Attack on Home of GlaxoSmithKline Executive

That is too extreme..I agree with u there, Reba. It is wrong and going too far.
That is too extreme..I agree with u there, Reba. It is wrong and going too far.

few humans is no big deal to them...
bigger deal to them is thousands and thousands and thousand of animals are dying...

few humans or thousand animals..
they made right choice..
Activists Steal Dogs Used for Genetic Disease Research

By Brian Carnell
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In August, the Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for stealing a dog and her five puppies from Jennersmead Research Farm at Massey University in New Zealand.

What makes the dogs in this case so special is that they are carriers of mucopolysaccharidosis, a degenerative genetic disease that in human beings typically leads to death before the age of 10. In dogs, the disease typically results in death by the second year of life.

The owner of the dog, who carries a copy of the defective gene but does not suffer from the disease, had apparently loaned her to the university for breeding purposes.

Grant Guilford, head of Massey's Veterinary School, told The Dominion Post,

It [the genetic disease] causes wasting of the nervous system till by the end the dogs -- and humans can only stagger about. We were given the dogs by a farmer who is very upset that they have been stolen. We were working with the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital on gene therapy to find a cure for this disease . . . Re-homing these dogs will put the families who take them at risk of serious trauma when the well-loved dog dies down the track.

Not that Guilford had to worry for very long. The dog and five puppies turned up at an animal shelter after being turned in a few days later by people who said that they had found the animals "dumped by the river" near the animal shelter. The shelter recognized the dogs as the stolen animals and returned them to the university.
AR.net >> Activists Steal Dogs Used for Genetic Disease Research
few humans is no big deal to them...
bigger deal to them is thousands and thousands and thousand of animals are dying...

few humans or thousand animals..
they made right choice..
That's sick. :mad:
Activists Steal Dogs Used for Genetic Disease Research

By Brian Carnell
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In August, the Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for stealing a dog and her five puppies from Jennersmead Research Farm at Massey University in New Zealand.

What makes the dogs in this case so special is that they are carriers of mucopolysaccharidosis, a degenerative genetic disease that in human beings typically leads to death before the age of 10. In dogs, the disease typically results in death by the second year of life.

The owner of the dog, who carries a copy of the defective gene but does not suffer from the disease, had apparently loaned her to the university for breeding purposes.

Grant Guilford, head of Massey's Veterinary School, told The Dominion Post,

It [the genetic disease] causes wasting of the nervous system till by the end the dogs -- and humans can only stagger about. We were given the dogs by a farmer who is very upset that they have been stolen. We were working with the Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital on gene therapy to find a cure for this disease . . . Re-homing these dogs will put the families who take them at risk of serious trauma when the well-loved dog dies down the track.

Not that Guilford had to worry for very long. The dog and five puppies turned up at an animal shelter after being turned in a few days later by people who said that they had found the animals "dumped by the river" near the animal shelter. The shelter recognized the dogs as the stolen animals and returned them to the university.
AR.net >> Activists Steal Dogs Used for Genetic Disease Research

Good job! they shouldnt use these dogs for diesease research..Use humans who sacfice themself to be help another human...
Leave animals alone!
Good job! they shouldnt use these dogs for diesease research..Use humans who sacfice themself to be help another human...
Leave animals alone!

I agree to about stealing animals but to potentially kill or harm humans? That is too far for me. :Ohno:
Animal Liberation Front Releases California Deer Herd

By Brian Carnell
Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the January 18 release of a herd of deer at a California ranch owned by Gerd Konieczny.

While Konieczny was at a doctor's appointment, activists cut the 8-foot-high metal fence used to enclose the herd.

In a letter claiming responsibility, the Animal Liberation Front said (emphasis added),

GNK Ranch - owned by former LAPD Sergant Gerd Konieczny - is one of the 3 largest deer farms in California and hosts an on-site deer slaughterhouse.

We believe this to be the first ever deer liberation in the US. Freedom for these creatures - for whom death is a certainty- was a simple and unskilled operation. Hundreds of deer farms operate in this country. We encourage compassionate people everywhere to locate farms in their area and tear down their walls.

The venison industry remains small. Our hearts go out to victims of the larger problem, the billions of lives we are unable to save - cows, chickens, pigs, mice, rats, and others - casualties of the meat, dairy, vivisection and other industries of suffering and blood. Their pain is our own.

The part of the letter claming the ranch included a operation at the ranch is simply wrong. According to the Capital Press, the slaughter operation was blocked in 2002 due to objections raised by animal rights activists and never built.

Nice to see the activists keeping well-informed as usual.

According to the Capital Press, the FBI is involved in the case and the Monterey County Cattleman's Association has offered a $1,000 reward for information about the perpetrators of the crime.
AR.net >> Animal Liberation Front Releases California Deer Herd
I agree to about stealing animals but to potentially kill or harm humans? That is too far for me. :Ohno:

just like army ppl....they gave up their lives for country..
there will be another kind of ppl for diease cures..
Good job! they shouldnt use these dogs for diesease research..Use humans who sacfice themself to be help another human...
Leave animals alone!
If the "liberators" cared so much for the dogs, why did they just dump them by the river? Why didn't they take them home, to take care of them?
Animal Liberation Front Releases California Deer Herd

By Brian Carnell
Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the January 18 release of a herd of deer at a California ranch owned by Gerd Konieczny.

While Konieczny was at a doctor's appointment, activists cut the 8-foot-high metal fence used to enclose the herd.

In a letter claiming responsibility, the Animal Liberation Front said (emphasis added),

The part of the letter claming the ranch included a operation at the ranch is simply wrong. According to the Capital Press, the slaughter operation was blocked in 2002 due to objections raised by animal rights activists and never built.

Nice to see the activists keeping well-informed as usual.

According to the Capital Press, the FBI is involved in the case and the Monterey County Cattleman's Association has offered a $1,000 reward for information about the perpetrators of the crime.
AR.net >> Animal Liberation Front Releases California Deer Herd

umm, one story about animal liberation front is good enough? :giggle:
If the "liberators" cared so much for the dogs, why did they just dump them by the river? Why didn't they take them home, to take care of them?

they didnt dumb them...
person who wrote the story change our point of views!
nooo...read again...

found the animals "dumped by the river" near the animal shelter.

they found them!!

they dont want to tell ppl that they stole animals..they will arrest for that..
Animal Liberation Front Threatens Physical Harm to Partygoers

By Brian Carnell
Friday, February 18, 2005

We've all heard the nonsense rhetoric from the activists -- Animal Liberation Front is non-violent since burning down homes and research facilities doesn't count as violence (in these folks' ethical guide, a white racist burning down a black church is committing a nonviolent act of protest). But the North American Liberation Press Office issued a press release in December that contained a clear intent to physically harm -- perhaps even kill -- human beings.

The press release concerned a planned holiday party by Forest Laboratories to be held December 10, 2004. The press release noted that Animal Defense League - Long Island planned a protest outside the Hunting Towne House, where the holiday party was to be held.

The press release also republished what it claimed was a communique from the Animal Liberation Front that said (emphasis added),

Cancel the 12/10 Forest Labs party or syrup of ipecac and diarrhea inducing agents will appear in your catering provisions beginning Friday afternoon. We will target all town house events this weekend. All additives will be non-lethal and the symptoms non-permanent, however: will be very disruptive to town house functions. Cancel the Forest Labs party. *The A.L.F.*

Non-permanent? Spiking food with ipecac in this way could be potentially fatal.

Ipecac syrup used to be widely recommended in cases of accidental poisoning, especially among children, because it can induce vomiting. In 2003, the American Academy of Pediatrics reversed that recommendation, after studies showed ipecac was simply not effective and had a number of potential problems (mainly that it is sometimes abused by people with eating disorders).

Spiking food with ipecac would be extremely dangerous, because it would be impossible to control how much ipecac any given person was exposed to. Exposure to large doses of ipecac can cause respiratory difficulties, fast or irregular heartbeat, seizures and pneumonia. If, for some reason, the ipecac is not vomited, it can cause heart problems, permanent heart damage and even death.

There's a reason ipecac is clearly labeled that it is not to be administered without first consulting a poison control center, emergency room or physician.

There is simply nothing you can spike food with that is not potentially hazardous and even deadly to some subpopulation of people. Apparently the possibility that someone might be seriously injured or even killed in such a stunt is simply not as important as the animals to the ALF or the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.
AR.net >> Animal Liberation Front Threatens Physical Harm to Partygoers
nooo...read again...

found the animals "dumped by the river" near the animal shelter.

they found them!!
So they just abandoned the dogs. They didn't really care about them.

they dont want to tell ppl that they stole animals..they will arrest for that..
Robin Webb -- Children of Researchers Are Legitimate Targets

By Brian Carnell
Monday, October 18, 2004

Robin Webb, longtime animal rights extremist and UK spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front, went on record in September as saying that children are legitimate targets of animal rights extremism.

In Sept. 19 article in the Sunday Herald, Webb was quoted as dismissing criticism of animal rights extremists' practice of targeting children and spouses of animal researchers,

Some say it is morally unacceptable but it is equally unacceptable to use animals in experiments. The children of those scientists are enjoying a lifestyle built on the blood and abuse of innocent animals. Why should they be allowed to close the door on that and sit down and watch TV and enjoy themselves when animals are suffering and dying because of the actions of the family breadwinner? They are a justifiable target for protest.
AR.net >> Robin Webb -- Children of Researchers Are Legitimate Targets