I was born with hearing loss. I have sensorineural hearing loss with profound deaf in left ear and moderately severe to severe in my right ear. Therefore, I wear a hearing aid in my right ear. I am almost 20 and a student. I am oral. I know few of american sign language which I used to do.
I also have facial defects since birth. I underwent 30 surgical procedures over 10 operations. Sure it has been difficult growing up, but I was always maintained strong and am doing better everyday.
I quit the college where I was attending first semester due to becuase the college turned out to be a sucker...didn't provide the accomodation I needed and so they were pretty discriminative. I plan to transfer to a better school with CART/CPRINT available. I was always a hardworking and a bright student. I am more like I want to learn more somethings that really interest me. I am looking into somewhere between pyschology, women's studies, computer science, or some arts.
I am waiting for my new hearing aid with an FM system, so I am pysched about them.
Oh yes not to forget to mention what I like to do...
I like to travel, dance, design, watch movies, listen to foreign music, view artworks, eat fresh food, dine out with friends, plan events, research, help people, and have a peaceful mind.
And so here it is, pretty much about me briefly.