I'm back again


Cannot wait for spring!!!
Premium Member
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Finally got in on AD! I was very busy lately... been trying to getting things straight with the carpet guy that we had a problem 2 weeks ago, the guy cancelled ON ME!! which that I was shocked because of MIScommuications sigh.... so I am waitting and heard from my Landlord to inform me when the carpet guy will appear again or make re-schudle again... HOPE that guy will DO IT or I will be GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR really bad. lol but everything else was good...

Well Hello everybody! I'm here. ;)
Welcome back baby..

BBNT - if shes in jail then I should be in jail with HER!! ;)
wb spicygirl! sorry to hear about your news! I hope you can get that straightened out real soon! Good luck on that! :)
HI everyone.

Thank you... yeah, I am in jail with my girl... :giggle: :rofl: like 24/7 with Redheadgrrl. Wink WHY NOT!? Smile
