I'm baaaaackkkkk


Active Member
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Heyyy all

I was gone for awhile...just was taking a lil break..I have a lot of new changes in my life..but all happy ones:)

Anyway good to be back:)
Nice to see you here. nothing new but live with it everyday in a good way. ha
new boyfriend, new outlook on life,my mom and I are selling the house and moving into something more roomy...going to Arizona for 2 weeks at christmas, then to Mont Tremblant for new years and then cuba for my spring break week off:)
My, you are really busy with your new life. Welcome back to AD, Alicia. It is good to have you back after a long break away from AD. It really make the difference of having fresh battery to get rid of old life. I hope to see more of you on AD. See you around here, Alicia. :wave:
Hi, Alicia. I wondered where you've been. Glad to hear that things are going well. :wave:
Welcome back AliciaM and enjoy your extended holidays. Cheers

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Welcome back AliciaM and enjoy your extended holidays. Cheers

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Welcome back. Good to see you round these parts again!