I'm a newbie here!


New Member
Jan 4, 2005
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Hello! I just found this website and was really impressed with the great support I have been reading. I am 33 and losing my hearing. I have never taken a sign language class because I did not find out until last year that my hearing would soon be gone. I have taken lip reading courses and am getting better at it each day. I have been trying hearing aids, but I can't get used to having them in my ears so I only wear them once in while but never in public. I'm generally not a self-conscious person, but I'm having a difficult time adjusting to the changes that the future will hold. I'm also a teacher, so I have been looking into other career options. I am happy that I found this site because I finally feel that I can share this with other people who can truly understand. I hope to make some new connections and really want to let you know how impressed I am with the positive messages I've been reading.
Hello there, welcome to AD. :wave:

I remember when I lost my hearing at the age of 5. I'm hard of hearing now, by the way. At first it didn't feel comfortable wearing a hearing aid, but after a while I got used to it. I tried both in-the-ear and behind-the-ear hearing aids in one ear. Which type of hearing aid do you wear?

Hope everything works out for you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf nlpras! I'm glad you found this site and hopefully you'll feel comfortable and obtain good resources and information while being in this Forum. Enjoy your stay!! :wave:
Thanks for the encouragement! I have tried both the outside and inside the ear hearing aids. My audiologist feels the outside ones will be better for me, but I just can't get used to them. I'll keep working on it! Thanks again!
Hello there,

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here....I too lost my hearing at the age of 5....
welcome aboard friend!! you will meet some ADers who have experienced the same thing that you have.. other than that, you will have fun with us.. as you go along.. getting serious or goofy ... whichever your persona is!! :D
Welcome to AD! Enjoy your stay!

nlpras, are you planning to take some courses in ASL?
Welcome to AD! :wave:

I hope everything will work out for you. Like Alex said, don't hesitate to put in your two cents or ask questions. :)

I am looking for any ideas on ASL classes. If anyone can give me some advice I'd really appreciate it. I don't know if I should sign up for the "conversational" classes or find out more about ASL classes for those losing their hearing--I don't even know if such a class exists. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Just a quick welcome to AD and I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi, welcome!
If it was me I would try and find other deaf people near by that are active in the deaf community. You could maybe find some people through your audiologist or if there is a college nearby that has ASL classes. Those instructors prob. would know a great deal about things that are going on. This prob. wasn't much help... ps-I never heard of lip reading instruction?
nlpras said:
I'm also a teacher, so I have been looking into other career options.

Instead of researching other careers, consider using your time to learn how you can be accomodated in your teaching career. :)

Welcome to AD and Good luck!

Welcome to AD!! nlpars

Hi Nlpars,
Welcome to AD!
Hope you'll enjoy your stay.
Like Alex said, don't be afraid to put your 2 cents in.