
Originally posted by MsGiglz
:X <snickers>


it reminds me of a vibrator ! :X
This is a sculpture by Dorothy Frankel


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Originally posted by Oddball
Beautiful blanket. I have not seen it before.

hehe thanks Oddball!!!! its now covered with cathairs :-x hahaha ill letcha know where the ex roomie found it :)
Originally posted by MsGiglz
Java!!! where did you get those? i would like to have my own :)

sure mama heres the linkie u can shop online for it and then just go to shop online then from there type in the search button ILY and u ll see the ring there and yes its a bit expensive but it's there :)
Originally posted by javapride
sure mama heres the linkie u can shop online for it and then just go to shop online then from there type in the search button ILY and u ll see the ring there and yes its a bit expensive but it's there :)

Thanks Java.... awesome!! dang.. dont have credit card.. hehe..
someday i will get it.. :)