heard alot of terrible news about it last night and this morning... one 19 year old just so exticed and running for his life somehow thud on the pole so he had to go hostipal to have his head stitch.. all he running to grab to ps3.
Another one.... A woman have a vest that look like best buy vest somehow that shirt has label said *SECURITY* on the vest so everybody in the line leave her alone somehow the door was wide open.. she just ZOOOM to grab ps3 ofc people were so PISSED and complain so she lost the ps3 for lying.
there are more fightings.. I had a dicussion with somebody and we think we should have a pre-order ticket that they already brought the ps3 but not the system itself so it would be less of problem. Someone told me that he read newspaper Getting PS3 is the worst crazy than Xbox360, so Sony have to make a promise that store will have to strict with number who buy the system, it's become dangerous right now. So Every store have to given up to 100 systems instead of 300 or more.