If you're waiting in line for a game system, please be careful!

Wow, Thanks for the warning....I'm not looking too forward for Christmas shopping but I'll be careful...
Also fights were breaking out at the PS3 lines too in other states too....

Stupid people...
It is not real shot, it is BB shot. Like paintball. :O I can't believe that! I hate that.

Sony promise will be 1 million in USA and Worldwide 2 million end of year. See nothing wrong. You have to wait and patient. :D I think you can use pre-order. But Wal-mart is out of stock. :( I want so bad.

I know that Nintendo Wii already announce last September. Now they made machine already. :D I haven't hear how many promise will be. I will find out. :D
There should be cops at every launch consoles from now on...
Yea, that's stupid for fighting or kill other consumers that who wait for get PS3.
heard alot of terrible news about it last night and this morning... one 19 year old just so exticed and running for his life somehow thud on the pole so he had to go hostipal to have his head stitch.. all he running to grab to ps3.

Another one.... A woman have a vest that look like best buy vest somehow that shirt has label said *SECURITY* on the vest so everybody in the line leave her alone somehow the door was wide open.. she just ZOOOM to grab ps3 ofc people were so PISSED and complain so she lost the ps3 for lying.

there are more fightings.. I had a dicussion with somebody and we think we should have a pre-order ticket that they already brought the ps3 but not the system itself so it would be less of problem. Someone told me that he read newspaper Getting PS3 is the worst crazy than Xbox360, so Sony have to make a promise that store will have to strict with number who buy the system, it's become dangerous right now. So Every store have to given up to 100 systems instead of 300 or more.
heard alot of terrible news about it last night and this morning... one 19 year old just so exticed and running for his life somehow thud on the pole so he had to go hostipal to have his head stitch.. all he running to grab to ps3.

Another one.... A woman have a vest that look like best buy vest somehow that shirt has label said *SECURITY* on the vest so everybody in the line leave her alone somehow the door was wide open.. she just ZOOOM to grab ps3 ofc people were so PISSED and complain so she lost the ps3 for lying.

there are more fightings.. I had a dicussion with somebody and we think we should have a pre-order ticket that they already brought the ps3 but not the system itself so it would be less of problem. Someone told me that he read newspaper Getting PS3 is the worst crazy than Xbox360, so Sony have to make a promise that store will have to strict with number who buy the system, it's become dangerous right now. So Every store have to given up to 100 systems instead of 300 or more.

Yea, I agree...

Camping for next-gen gaming must be banned and force them go to home.

It already banned in some area and some area has adopted curfew law for minor (under 18 years old) to enforce then cannot stay at all night and 16 years old guy is sent to home for violate the curfew law.
I know that Nintendo Wii already announce last September. Now they made machine already. :D I haven't hear how many promise will be. I will find out. :D

4 million units worldwide... on launch day.

Yes... 4 million.
4 million units worldwide... on launch day.

Yes... 4 million.

I find it obvious that Nintendo will kick Sony's ass so hard it would whimper and cry for its mommy that they are gonna win this round lol.
I find it obvious that Nintendo will kick Sony's ass so hard it would whimper and cry for its mommy that they are gonna win this round lol.

lol good one steel. with 4M units of wii for Sunday, Ken Kutaragi is gonna cry in his sake (Japanese rice wine) the day after the wii launch and hes gonna wish he had made more PS3's for launch day.
PS3 is real FUCKED UP because more people are went out of nut, such as one man got shot and some fighting at stores, other are push other people.

That's WORST than Xbox 360 and MUCH WORST than Wii.

I feel bad for Sony.
In the latest EGM magazine, Ken Kutaragi is quoted as saying, "We don't care" when asked about the Wii potentially outselling the PS3 in Q4. In the long run, Sony will win again. But with 4m units at launch, that is a big boost for Nintendo. Sony does not have as much experience with consoles and console launches as Sony does.
In the latest EGM magazine, Ken Kutaragi is quoted as saying, "We don't care" when asked about the Wii potentially outselling the PS3 in Q4. In the long run, Sony will win again. But with 4m units at launch,

Sony does care, only Nintendo don't. Nintendo is perfectly aware of the competition which is why they took a different approach to it. They felt that it wouldn't be worth the trouble trying to compete with two beasts (MS and Sony). So they decided to go with something they truly believe will be successful and profitable even if it doesn't outsell PS3.

It's not a war to them. They just want to spread innovation and make some dough off it. Not to see who can piss the farthest.

that is a big boost for Nintendo.

Yes, and the thing about Nintendo is... they've managed to turn a profit on nearly everything they make. They have a different philosophy.

Sony does not have as much experience with consoles and console launches as Sony does.

It's safe to assume that this is a typo. :)
I find it obvious that Nintendo will kick Sony's ass so hard it would whimper and cry for its mommy that they are gonna win this round lol.

I hope so, dear god sony sure does need a heapin helpin of humble pie right now.
Damn this is crazy: The Violence Inherent in the System Launch - Kotaku
List of things happening in diffrent state for ps3.


:shock: Its chaos I tell you chaos!!

This is really ridiculous man. They could always wait for the next stock of ps3. Planning to get one next yr :D
I'm not surprised.

There's been a lot of robberies related to the Playstation 3 launch.

First of all, the cost is $600 for a Playstation 3. If there's a line with 20 people, that's $12,000 worth of possibly cash. If you wanted to find a good place to rob people in line of their cash, look for places that are near colleges.

I can rob a few guys in line for the Playstation 3 and get at least $1,800 on the spot.

If I decided to rob a few guys in line for the Wii, the most I would probably is is $750. That's not even half of what I would get with the line for the Playstation 3. ;)
yep, robberies happens cause of:

1. overpriced console

2. limited supplies

3. assume its the best videogame console ever...