More Alice in Deafland> I am BILATERALLY DEAF SINCE December 20, 2006. This will not change. My doctor then was comparing an Implant to my using the Phonak LL6 with a 85 db loss plus no hearing in my right ear. The situation obviously changed December 20, 2006. He knew the then criteria of the Ontario government paying for the entire Implant operation required one be DEAF IN both ears. This has been changed recently to Profound level which is 85 db.I know can't go back and get an Implant-correct?
Gee don't lets facts get in way!
I am not longer involved with St Michaels ENT-though still in their Family practice section but Sunnybrook/ cochlear Implant section. All Implant decisions are made by Sunnybrook upon through review of one's entire ENT file which in my case including Cdn Hearing Society/Toronto extensive file from my taking Hearing Help courses. In actual fact I knew I easily fit the criteria subject to Xray/scan results. Tumours/cancer etc. In the end the operation happened.
How important is hearing in ones' life?
Jillio your above post-34- surely applies ispo facto to you-pontification on persons you NEVER met-correct?
As for the drivel of pFH hardly worth the effort to point out the number of errors of HIS gross misreading.
Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
drphil - You've mentioned in almost every single post you've ever written exactly the date you went "real deaf", the place you got your CI, every dr, the brand of CI (no serial number ?) ... I'm curious.
You've seem to love giving details - however you've never stated what your final audiogram was when you became "real deaf". I ask this because I've "off the meter" meaning I have +120db loss on my right side - however I also have "tactile response" etc long before +90db... I'm sure that you have the same and I'd be interested in knowing (honestly) what your audiogram looks like now aided (CI) AND unaided (ie "real deaf").
Also you repeatedly mention that you are going to "practice deaf swimming" - I'm interested, since you make a point of stating it, it MUST be different that "hearing swimming" or "Hoh swimming" ... can you please elaborate on how swimming is different and why .
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