if you wore cochlear implant, will you become hearing?


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Nov 14, 2006
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if you wore cochlear implant, will you become hearing?
no, i would not able to hear anything. it is example of this person on deaf news. i know this person. in fact, she wore cochlear implant when talking to hearing boyfriend. is it cheat? and lots of prices to wore c.i.?
CI is a tool or it's like a borg thingy to lead you where to. (sorry CI users).
Are there "invisible Cochlear Implants" now? To me my Implant is quite visible though having a "behind ear processor" with the magnetic cord to the internal processor above my left ear. No I don't think it is a "tool like a borg thingy?' Sorry-never heard of borg thingy?
Okay-check with Prof SKY my cat!

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
no, i would not able to hear anything. it is example of this person on deaf news. i know this person. in fact, she wore cochlear implant when talking to hearing boyfriend. is it cheat? and lots of prices to wore c.i.?

So then you're still deaf.
CI user and still deaf as post when taken off/broken. Just like it would have happened with HA. CI are more powerful tool for the profound/total or next to no hearing at all. I still signs, I class myself as Deaf not hearing. I am still same person as pre implant. It improved my lipreading skills but I still rely on people to make phone calls for me. So CI is not a miracle cure!
CI is a tool or it's like a borg thingy to lead you where to. (sorry CI users).
:) No offense here: my little one has a very cool t-shirt explaining that she is a ci-borg. Yes, a CI is just an amazing tool, doesn't change whether or not you are deaf, but can bypass what doesn't work in the ear and give you access to sound when you have your processors on. When they are off, you don't have access to sound.
How is it "cheating"?

With cochlear implants... you're still deaf. You just have a device that helps you hear. Without that device, you're deaf.
How is it "cheating"?

With cochlear implants... you're still deaf. You just have a device that helps you hear. Without that device, you're deaf.

i do not know what hearing will think of someone who not use device or use device.

why it should use ci if you want talk to your hearing friend?
:) No offense here: my little one has a very cool t-shirt explaining that she is a ci-borg. Yes, a CI is just an amazing tool, doesn't change whether or not you are deaf, but can bypass what doesn't work in the ear and give you access to sound when you have your processors on. When they are off, you don't have access to sound.

I'm not so sure about this. For example, there's some people who can't see a thing without glasses. Does this make them blind? No. By medical definition, I don't think it classes them as being "partially sighted" either, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
I'm not so sure about this. For example, there's some people who can't see a thing without glasses. Does this make them blind? No. By medical definition, I don't think it classes them as being "partially sighted" either, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

What happens when the CI comes off? Voilia! A deaf person.
According to Freckles, yes you do become hearing. Having heard anything you are no longer deaf.
What happens when one takes off a Cochlear Implant-silence. Anyways that is what happens to me-all time.I define that as deafness.
Cyborg was a term used by Michael Chorost is his book Rebuilt- re his internal processor. His theory is that he is "different now" because of the Implant which has "altered his thinking". The book was published 5 years ago. It is the public library here in Toronto. It relates his journey with "hearing problems/deafness/cultural deafness" plus a history of how the Cochlear Implant came to be. Interesting reading.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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Sorry for the duplicate. Still seems hard to miss a Cochlear Implant.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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I'm not so sure about this. For example, there's some people who can't see a thing without glasses. Does this make them blind? No. By medical definition, I don't think it classes them as being "partially sighted" either, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

I wouldn't equate glasses with a CI. Glasses are similar to a hearing aid in that they amplify or refine the function of the organ (or system), an eye or an ear . A CI is entirely different technology, and except that some people hang them on an ear for stability and the wires are threaded through the cochlea to reach the auditory nerve, it doesn't use the mechanism of a person's ear at all. Glasses can't provide access to sight to a person who is blind. A CI can provide access to sound to a person who is profoundly deaf.

Let's say a blind person had a video camera that sent images to a computer, they were encoded and sent to the person's brain through a wireless device, bypassing the eyes altogether, and those images were recognized by the person. The person remains blind (unable to see using his or her eyes). But has a very cool tool that enables a facsimile of sight. Set down that video camera, and no images reach the brain. That's more like a CI.