I would make sure that deaf schools have the same curriculum as the hearing schools. Often deaf education seems to be lacking somewhat when compared to others.
Make it mandatory that ASL be offered as a foreign language elective in all secondary and post-secondary schools. 90% of schools already offer Spanish as a foreign language elective, in many small rural schools, Spanish is the ONLY foreign language elective offered.
Make it mandatory that children who are born deaf/hoh their parents must take an ASL course as well as their children during the developmental years before being considered a candidate for a CI. I find it ludicrous that a family would sell their home just so their daughter who ALREADY knows ASL can get a CI.
Companies would be obligated to hire a deaf/hoh employee, no more BSing that the person was looked over for a 'more qualified' candidate for the job.
I would find a way to start a nationwide "Deaf Mothers Fund" that assists specifically deaf/hoh mothers who are having trouble seeking gainful employment and or enrolling in a post-secondary school for a college degree. It wouldn't be a direct money handout but rather it would get the mother into a job working a minimum of 30 hours per week and offer assistance with daycare as well as housing assistance. It would get them better set up to eventually be able to stand on their own two feet rather than consistently leaning on the SSI for a handout.
Housing benefits for the deaf - often I read here and I realize that the majority of people here don't own their own home but rather rent or live in public housing with a desire to someday own. Just as the government offers housing benefits to low-income families and first time home buyers through HUD, but what about those who are deaf that just seek the American Dream like other Americans? Not everyone desires a white picket fence and a dog, but why settle for mediocrity? Think not about just what you have, but beyond it.
Assistance to those who seek to get off SSI and to become a working citizen- a sort of transition phase where one month they received their final SSI check and the next week they receive their first paycheck rather than one month see their final SSI check and next year see their first paycheck.
Restrict SSI benefits to those that REALLY need it. If you are of sound mind and able bodied you must work, no other option. It was originally meant as a TEMPORARY help - let's make it a temporary help again and help build our country back up with more people working and generating more revenue for other social programs such as HUD, SCHIP, and Medicare/Medicaid.