If You Were Pregnant.....

Would You....

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^Angel^ said:
Now thats what a good father would do!!....Sounds like you will turn out to be one of the good dad a child could ask for !... :mrgreen:
*nervous chuckle* Yeah I guess...I haven't really planned about having kids yet so I dunno if I'll ever have 'em or not but I think I rather be an uncle than father...just more easier because you have less responslibity with kids than the father do lol

my sister might get married in afew years or so and proably would plan to have some kids later on...she been with her b/f for more than 5 yrs anyway so that's cool I guess
Steel said:
Naw. I'm just saying that IF I was a girl and I'm younger than 18, abortion would be a better choice for me because I have to focus on high school and find a well paying job and other stuff like that, but of course, which I am really male and almost 20 yrs old and if we made a mistake like that, it's up to her. I can't tell her what to do when she's pregnant, and if she decided to keep the baby, I would have to find a better paying job to keep the debts with child support and stuff like that. Know what I mean?

Good Answer Steel :thumb: *Winks*
Hm. welll this is STICKY topic and there are alot of factors to think about.

If I am on birth control and my partner does use condom and we still end up getting pregnant, then YES I will get an abortion because I did everything to prevent and those methods FAILED so therefore I would use the last resort of aborting because I KNOW I dont want to get pregnant and use all methods available.

Guys, you know that you do have 48 hours after sex to reduce the possibilty of pregancy by taking EC (emergency contractive *I spelt it wrong, i know*)? It is NOT an abortion pill, it just ... freezes your eggs from accepting any sperms. Condom or not, I think every girl that is not on BC should take EC just to be careful.

Better safe than be sorry.

But... if I am a slutty girl who get humped on a daily basis... then I think the option of abortion shouldn't give to me..

BUT if you think about it- if YOu deny the slutty girl the opt of abortion because she made one "OOPS", then you are PUNISHING the fetus in her for suffering and remembering as "the big mistake" because its mother messed up. And that child would grow up unloved and uncared... because... if the mother doesn't like/want the child, the child WILL know and the effects are tragically.

So I think if one doesn't WANT the child or cannot have the child and nobody is there to accept the child. I think it is horrible to give up the baby to adoption because... both mother and child have some abandonment issues because the mother will live wiht the guilt and the child would live with the question "why???" you know? It is even worser if that child NEVER get adopted. There are SO many children in adoption services because the parents were too scared to get an abortion whenit is still a fetus/zygoto yet they couldn't keep/take care of the baby themselves.

Yeesh, now I am reconsidering about having my own children because this world is just too horrible to bring children into... I would love to adopt kids to give them a new lease on life but at the same time i would like to experience the "pregnancy"... hm but then there is an option of being a surrgorate mother... but it is not authentic because you know it is not your child...

[going off-track............] :gossip:
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The reason why I think it depends is because there are times when that person's health is at stake. Maybe that woman isn't ready for it. Maybe it's too early. Maybe it could cause complications. It's better to abort the baby than risking both of their lives in the near future. If a couple constantly have sex without protection, and she accidentally gets pregnant... then she should learn to accept the fact that she had too much sex and keep the baby. I have a few friends who have made this kind of mistake.
I am against abortion, I don't even consider it an option.

If a woman or man cannot deal with the consequences, such as pregnancy or STD, they shouldn't be having sex.

Condoms/ Birth control don't always work.
i'm pro-choice -- it's the woman's right to choose IMO and i support legal abortions and the option to be available for the women to consider along with many other options as well regardless of her age
Keeping the baby is what I chose...although there would be circumstances that could hinder a very young girl from fully concentrating on school, activities, etc...then the next step would be to have the baby's grandparents take over and care for the child until the baby's mother is more fit and capable of providing and meeting the demands of a baby, young child...or having someone in the family, such as an aunt, etc...help raising the baby...the support from families, the love, etc...can greatly enchance the life of a baby and the biological birth-mother!
I do not support abortion...only in cases whereas the health of the mother or baby is in great danger....
i dont like some people who dont wanna keep baby.. if they does then they are sin for that n murder baby, the baby is innocent!

if the young teenage, they should know better use condoms but i know that condoms are not 100% safe.. but if they dont wanna have kid then they shouldnt have sex until they are older! i know some people cant patient to have sex or emotion for tempt sex!!!! i dont blame but i would like teach my kids what sex mean before they start getting older.. u know what i mean??
Aaahh....wow, this is a topic I guess I could go either way on.

I wasn't married yet when my husband and I conceived my son. We were engaged but not yet hitched...he already had two older children and did want another...so we had talked about having a child...and then one night, well...LOL..."ooops." :) :eek2: Don't get me wrong...we were both thrilled and couldn't wait to have our own.

BUT - I was still taking classes at the local college and lemme tell ya - morning sickness and morning classes do NOT mix. (Too many close calls between the lecture room and the bathroom!!) So...I left school. My folks weren't pleased, nor was I...I did want to finish...I'm two years shy of my associates' degree, which I still have the option of attaining. I don't know though, I'm not a school person. Never was and never would be.

Ah, but I was 20 when I got pregnant...and you know, abortion never crossed my mind. Personally, I wouldn't do it, no matter if I was 14, 18, or 20. The baby a woman is carrying is not at fault for being created. Life is such a beautiful thing, and every being deserves a chance, whether it is only carried in the womb for two weeks or nine months. If I couldn't take care of the baby, I would gladly accept responsibility for getting pregnant and carry it and then give him or her up for adoption...but to go through with abortion and KILL it? I don't know. I couldn't do it...unless they told me that my own life was at risk if I carried the baby, which is rare, but does happen in incredibly high-risk pregnancies. I guess what I'm saying is - no abortion for me - no WAY, not unless a doctor (strongly) advised me to have one.

As for teenagers having sex - eeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky for me, my kids are still too young to even ask about things like that - but ahh, I guess my husband will take care of the boys and when my daughter has questions for me, she will know that I am there.

I'm sending her to a nunnery when she's 18 though... :)

I wouldn´t dream of abort the unplanned baby. I would keep my baby...

If anyone who can´t achieve to keep the baby then give the baby for an adoption.
Just wondering... why is this a "public poll" in such that you can see everyone's selections? I think this is a sensitive poll, so I choose to not to vote.

But I do have to say that the person has their choices -- they can choose to keep the baby if they accept their responsibility, or give it up for adoption if can handle the terms, or get it aborted immediately especially if they were already using birth control (condoms, pills) because honestly *crap* does happen and even if they were practicing safe sex and were on the Pill one can still get pregnant. Some people may believe it's "meant to be" but if responsible rather planned parenting, then they have the right to abort. I do not respect those who are not having safe sex (no protection), they should respect their mistakes.
Sweet_KJ said:
Just wondering... why is this a "public poll" in such that you can see everyone's selections? I think this is a sensitive poll, so I choose to not to vote.

Hi Sweet KJ,

I made this thread.. I thought adding a poll will see which people will vote the most.....I understand if you choose not to vote... :D
TweetyBird said:
i dont like some people who dont wanna keep baby.. if they does then they are sin for that n murder baby, the baby is innocent!

if the young teenage, they should know better use condoms but i know that condoms are not 100% safe.. but if they dont wanna have kid then they shouldnt have sex until they are older! i know some people cant patient to have sex or emotion for tempt sex!!!! i dont blame but i would like teach my kids what sex mean before they start getting older.. u know what i mean??

Goin' on a little off-topic: Lesbianism is a sin, too. *whistles*
i Choose to keep the baby...

once a male and a female had sex.. its their choice to do sex life. and if they're pregant oops.. god made people to have sex after marriage as a rule so no mistakes are made..

If you don't want kids then don't do any sex :D

Suppose a woman want an abortion.. and a man wants to keep the baby.. This can lead into a legal lawsuit.. since its also a male's baby.. get it?
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Suppose a woman want an abortion.. and a man wants to keep the baby.. This can lead into a legal lawsuit.. since its also a male's baby.. get it?

I think that's ridiculous for the man to sue the woman for aborting the baby HE wanted. He's not the one who has to carry the baby to term, and he can leave anytime. She can't. You are right, the baby is half the father's but there are wayyy too many dead-beat fathers out there.
If I ever get pregnant, I think I will be in DEEP Doo Doo!
Bullym0m said:
yeah, One day , Hoping that will comes and family talk with my son.
He quite very handsome boy.. oh my baby precouisly.. (sigh) Too many girls wants date my son.. *sheesh* He is at junior high school and grade 7.

what about uncle or grandpa? or very close male role?

for i.e. my son Mack.. he have uncle (my brother) that he can look up to...
Douglas said:
Goin' on a little off-topic: Lesbianism is a sin, too. *whistles*

can you do MYOB? and its discrimination.. did we cricitze about you? then.. dont let your nose butt in.. your nose goes ------> next website

I wud keep the baby if I happen to get preggie by accident.. but eh havin a abortion is like killing the kid itself so.. ugh but now there is a new law for women who drinks or smoke or anything to hurt the kid in the womb can get in trobule with law they passed the bill I forgot what name of it? :dunno: