What amazed me is that hearing people don't want to hire d/Deaf and probably hard of hearing to handle the job including the phone. I was watching the Switch at Birth when Travis (the young Deaf man who worked in the car wash for Daphne's father, Mr. Kinnesh (spelling)) was disappointed. I think Toby, the son of Mr. Kinnesh, is or was expected to work for his father at the car wash. Travis really want to work as he knew the business really well but Mr. Kinnesh would not allow him to do that for him as he is
DEAF which is discrimination. Toby tried to tell his father that Travis really want to work as he knew the math and every car wash business. That was not very nice of Mr. Kinnesh not hiring him while Mr. Kinnesh were trying to recovered from heart attack.
That is why it is a shame that the Deaf people, even Hard Of Hearing will not be accepted in working field which is their dream job and have to find that they were being turn down because of deafness. Most offices want the d/Deaf people need to use the phone to make call. So they think the CI should help them listen over the phone or to talk with hearing people easily. We have other ways to have accommodations on the job. I would love to tell them to say I want you to give me a try out and see how I am doing on the job but if they firmly refuse to cave in and not interest in our abilities as Deaf people can do anything except to hear. I don't like being turn down or have them make excuses saying that they want me to use the phone.
I like what Sue Thomas does in her office with accommodation like that. That was just a dream way of getting communication like video phone or texting. That was years ago before we had this but still the hearing refuse to go along with the accommodations for us to use in our workplace. **sigh**
What is wrong with hearing people so afraid of d/Deaf people not be able to handle in the workplace, if they have the talents or the experience of knowing how to run things? Come on, we are not children. That is why Travis was upset when he was not allowed to take over his business. Dang!!