same thing. hunting and fishing.
*cough* PETA
yes PETA. just because you don't like their point doesn't mean it's not accurate.
um.... you jumped all the way to the end... what about the beginning? like.. catching the fish? preparing the fish? cooking the fish? how does your fish end up on your plate for you to eat? lemme guess... you prefer a restaurant to do it for you. nice. gimme gimme gimme.
you completely missed the point, but OK I'll explain - you still have to do all this in order to just eat, right?
why should I be shameful of other people's gluttony? majority of them do not fish nor hunt. that's why they're obese and out of touch with the reality.
you missed the point again
so how is it my fault for these people's gluttony?
you missed the point again
very relevant. in the midst of global food waste, particularly in a well developed countries like USA, Canada,
hunting for additional food supply is not only unnecessary, it's sinful.
to hone your hunting skills, hunt fake subjects.
with fish - ok, I would allow limited kind of fish, size and number per person. what the hey do you need these mammoth size groupers that end up in your freezer forever? so you can gloat? whereas tonnes of still good for consumption like cans of salmon, tuna are being thrown into garbage. salmon which is on the decline from OVERFISHING.
and what if you're in somewhere there is no store like Alaska? Africa? oh yea... what was I thinking of? why would you be in those beautiful pristine places like those? ah... you're one of those self-entitled hypocritical city slickers...
seriously? are you pretending, or seriously you don't understand the difference between US and Africa?
growing food? you are wasting our water and depriving earth of nutrients for your consumption. why bother? there are plenty of food in the stores. eat'em up!
seriously? do you even know how much water and feed is needed to raise one cow?
do you know how much one deer eats per day?
oh btw - in case of nuclear disaster... you might want to take a look at fishes near chernobyl accident... it's eatable.
I was thinking more in the lines of "the Road" with Viggo
in case of disaster... let's hope you won't starve to death while you wait for your food to grow.