If you wear a hearing aid and want to help please read... thanks!


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Oct 9, 2010
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I'm taking an Aural Rehabilitation class and have to interview 3 people who wear hearing aids. I saw a similiar post but thought I should do my own interviews. So if you have the time, wear hearing aids and can help me out please answer the following questions. Thank you in advance! :P

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss?
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? I've worn hearing aids for 4 years my current ones only for a year
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? I knew I had a hearing loss after a couple months of tinnitus..I also noticed reduced hearing which made me go to the audi
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?I wear my hearing aids mostly only at school and a bit at home so like bw 8-14 hrs a day depending sometimes more sometimes less
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?sometimes
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids? It amplifies everything which really annoys me
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?pretty much yes
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer? Audiologist

1. I've worn HAs since 1971.
2. My parents realised I had a hearing loss, I was too young to know.
3. All my waking hours.
4. Definitely beneficial.
5. They make my ears damp and sweaty, which can affect quality of sound.
6. Yes.
7. NHS Audiologist (I live in Britain).
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?
Coming up for two years.

2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? About 10 years? Yeah, I'm not one for hasty decisions...

3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?

14 hours or so.

4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?
Yes. I can accurately hear about 80% of speech, listen to TV at levels that doesn't freak out my wife...

5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?
Wind noise, not waterproof (I do a fair bit of sport, so wearing them while cycling etc isn't going to work, which means I don't hear well when out on roads etc)

6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?
For my part, mostly yes. Not so sure they're quite the revolution my wife hoped for.

7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Audiologist (though I live in the UK and have National Health Service aids).
This forum usually doesn't like people coming here to ask people to complete surveys. But I will fill it out anyway.

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?

20 years.

2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss?

Don't know. I was too young to "suspect".

3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?

4-8 hours. I take it out unless I need it. (Don't wear it while at home or while on the PC)

4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?


5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?

Siemens Reflex L Mini-BTE


- Fragile
- Short battery life
- No telecoil or bluetooth functionality
- No volume control
- No selectable functions

6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?


7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

UK NHS audiologist (Totally free!)
I'm taking an Aural Rehabilitation class and have to interview 3 people who wear hearing aids. I saw a similiar post but thought I should do my own interviews. So if you have the time, wear hearing aids and can help me out please answer the following questions. Thank you in advance! :P

1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? 15 yrs. (started wearing them in 96)
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? I was young to know so my parents suspected it after I wasn't responding to my name calling.
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day? I wear them on a daily basis
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids? yep!
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids? no compliants but my current one I have doesn't have volume control
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do? yep!
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?
LOL both
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids?A lifetime.
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? They knew very early.
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?13 hours more or less.
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids?Absolutely.
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids?I have no complaints.
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do?Yes.
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?Audiologist

These exact same questions are presented by more than one student every semester. I wonder if you all attend the same school?
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? almost 23 years
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? I had meningitis when I was 2 so shortly afterwards my parents noticed I wasn't hearing
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day? Usually all day
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids? yes
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids? can't think of any right now
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do? yes
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer? audiologist
1. How long have you worn your hearing aids? 10 months
2. For how long before you got your hearing aids did you suspect you had a hearing loss? 3 years but after sentences sounding broken and unable to hear so much I went in
3. How long do you wear your hearing aids each day? 4-5 hours I stay home so don't need to hear much but when I go to school next year all day.
4. Do you feel like you get benefit from your hearing aids? I did not realize how much I was not hearing or how much I like talking on the phone now, before I would make an excuse to end a call or leave a conversation. Many times replying incorrectly to something I thought I hear and getting a dumb look.
5. What complaints do you have about your hearing aids? Oticon it is nice and most people don't see but makes my ear canal itch a lot, battery last a week even if I don't use them as soon as you remove tape/tab it expires fast.
6. Do you feel like your hearing aids have lived up to what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would do? Yes, but still don't hear well in conversations like I thought, wind makes them cut out and it feels like a click or pop each time, sometimes sudden loud voices startle me even with the sound cut off safety feature, in convince for activities such as swimming. Positive is I do hear better, I can hear a whisper sometimes, music is much more enjoyable, I don't have to guess a reply anymore, I can enjoy conversations on phone a little more but sometimes still hard.
7. Did you get your hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer? audiologist

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