If you have babies, please come on over here

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I would love to ask you a several questions about DIAPER.

I started to learn about disapoable disapers that have chemical in them. ALso, there are more than that why i am thinking about to order cloth diapers for my son.

Anyone of you who have experience with cloth diapers for your kids..

PLEASE SHARE your experience with me. THANKS

If you guys want to know why i am thinking about the cloth diapers. I am happy to give you the link about disaopable disapers.
I have experience doing on two sisters and one brother, 3 nieces, and 2 nephews when they were baby.

All of their parents do not believe in cloth diaper. Sure, it would save from waste city.
Oh boy. I've thought about cloth diapers.... but they're a lot of work, you know why? Cuz I have to wash them every time they get soiled... if I leave them out for weekly washing, the room will get smelly! Even in the garage or outside. I even used the genie disposal to store these soiled cloth during these times, so no thanks. I have been using disposable diapers since my first born was a baby. I have not had any major problem with them. :dunno:
I do admit that I really hated the idea of washing the cloth diapers. I have not order the cloth diapers yet. The major reason is that I found out that the disapoable diaper that caused male infertility and testicular cancer.


I may be OVERREACTED about it. I am thinking about putting cloth diaper on my son when i am with him. Then he goes to the daycare and will use disaposable diapers.

I will need to make up my mind about ordering the cloth diapers or not.
Cloth diapers are good to have in case you run out of disposable ones. :) Gives you enough time to run to the stores for Pampers or Huggies...but with babies, quicker is better - saves you a bit of time to use the disposable diapers. I personally prefer to use 'em once, then toss them into the trash, but if cloth is your preferance, then it's best to have a healthy stock. You can expect to do several washes per day - or one per night for the day's uses. :)

Less headaches to use the disposable ones, IMO! It's been a while since my kids were in diapers, but if I had a baby right now, I'd go disposable.
Malfoyish said:
Cloth diapers are good to have in case you run out of disposable ones. :) Gives you enough time to run to the stores for Pampers or Huggies...but with babies, quicker is better - saves you a bit of time to use the disposable diapers. I personally prefer to use 'em once, then toss them into the trash, but if cloth is your preferance, then it's best to have a healthy stock. You can expect to do several washes per day - or one per night for the day's uses. :)

Less headaches to use the disposable ones, IMO! It's been a while since my kids were in diapers, but if I had a baby right now, I'd go disposable.

that is how I feel about it. The problem is that scientist discovered about male infertility and testicule cancer that worries me. am i over reacted about it?
Frisky Feline said:
I do admit that I really hated the idea of washing the cloth diapers. I have not order the cloth diapers yet. The major reason is that I found out that the disapoable diaper that caused male infertility and testicular cancer.


I may be OVERREACTED about it. I am thinking about putting cloth diaper on my son when i am with him. Then he goes to the daycare and will use disaposable diapers.

I will need to make up my mind about ordering the cloth diapers or not.
This news is like four years old.

Monday, 25 September, 2000, 11:55 GMT 12:55 UK

Maybe the disposable ones are not that bad?
yes thats' what i wonder about the years old too. I have tried to search for more information about this.

but dont you honestly think the any manfactured these days are getting worse by putting stuffs in things.

I have to research on this a little more and make up my mind. THANKS for your time to point things out for me. ;)
Sure no problem. As it is for me, I am not too worried about it, as long as I keep changing my baby's diapers, staying at the same brand. I have used the same brand for five years, and I do not have any major problem with that "generic" brand. Good luck in making decision, Frisky Feline. :thumb:
I stayed with Pampers and Huggins when Kyler was born and up to now. I really HATE washing dirty cloth diapers, and THANK GOD for diapers!
I know my mom and my grandma tell me that wearing cloth diapers help from getting rash, but I really don't like cloth diapers and I rather stick with diapers and use Destin creame for the butt area to help from getting rash.
Well thats true about them disposable diapers have chemicals in them cuz my niece developed allergy to them so her mom had to put cloth diapers on her and no more problems! She had severe rash, eczema and some awful looking oozing sores on her rear and front too, all that disappeared when the doctor told her to start using cloth diapers.
I suggest that Pampers and Huggies are great safetly to wearing diapers better for babies.. As long you can use cornstarch to prevent diaper rash.. I using that..

So far no problem..
Espically Summer time, Always babies get heat rash not coming from diaper.. Nope.. Just naturally as long you can buy baby powder come w/cornstarch will not affect heat rash.. don't use vasline during summer time.. feel mushy and soft warm.. Not worth.. Winter time would be great for vasline yes and also same thing baby powder.

Have best of your luck.. researching.. very important for you.. :thumb:
Yep! During summer, use Baby powder or cornstarch.. During winter, use vaseline or Destin to prevent from rashes...

I used Pampers and Huggins on Kyler, and he had no problem with it.

Right now, he is on Hanes underwears and Pampers Pull-up Training Pants.. I am hoping to break his potty training when summer is over.
CrazyRedHeadWV said:
Yep! During summer, use Baby powder or cornstarch.. During winter, use vaseline or Destin to prevent from rashes...

I used Pampers and Huggins on Kyler, and he had no problem with it.

Right now, he is on Hanes underwears and Pampers Pull-up Training Pants.. I am hoping to break his potty training when summer is over.
I'm root'n for your son... way up big boy.. congrats for training potty.. will improved become real world underwear.. I believe your son will learn if he got mistake wet his underwear.. He'll learn something new... and try his best and to try again run after toilet.. *wink*..
We been potty training him when he was 15 months old, and he made few accidents (wet and poop), but that is okay, I tell him NO treat or nothing beacuse he made accident.. If no accident, he get rewards. He looks so cute with Sesame Street underwear on. Heheh
Fly Free said:
if i had human kids i would use disposable diapers -- theyre a time saver

I have been using disposable diapers on my daughter and son. Sure they are super time saver. I am more concerned with my son since he is a boy regarding with the scientist discovered in male infertility and testicler cancer.
my hubby assures me not to worry that my son is fine. In otherwise, I may order a few ones and use cloth on him at night and see how it goes. I will let you guys know if i order or not.

Thank you for your time.. :)
Cloth Diapers.. BLAH!!! I use disposable diapers with all my 5 kids plus this upcoming baby..

All you have to is.. check for recall diapers.. if not.. then you're safe..
Also, if baby-child.. show some rashes even if you use rash onitment.. and not working.. switch different diapers.. some brands can cause rashes.. depends on baby-child... sensitive skin.. I wouldnt be complaining..
I bought boxful from Sam's club.. total 168 diapers in it for 23 dollars.. compare to cloth diapers.. just throw disposable diapers in trash outside till fill up then throw in garabage can. bacterica free.. :)

Cloth diapers are very high risk for baterica if YOU handle them carefully..
have to dump cloth diaper in toilet to get poop out.. then put in diaper pail... after 2 or 3 diapers change.. go in washer fill with hot water and bleach..
THEN.. have to wash diaper pail too...
after bleach diapers.. have to wash again with regular soap (dreft or little bit of tide or all) whatever..
put in dryer.. cant use fabric softener.. cuz when pee or mositure (after wet the diaper).. the moisture breaks out the chemical from fabric softener can cause rash or discomfort...

so.. its pain the ass to do those.. i wouldnt have TIME for it..
whats more cloth diapers are expensive.. elec & water & gas bill, laundry soap (dreft is very expensive), bleach... and dr visits for ill if you dont handle them properly..

disoaple.. buy bulk.. 23 dollars.. change diapers.. -=walk outside.. dump it.
only 5.00 a month for trash.. heh.. no dr visit.. (if you wash your hands AFTER) :P
MsGiglz said:
Cloth Diapers.. BLAH!!! I use disposable diapers with all my 5 kids plus this upcoming baby..

All you have to is.. check for recall diapers.. if not.. then you're safe..
Also, if baby-child.. show some rashes even if you use rash onitment.. and not working.. switch different diapers.. some brands can cause rashes.. depends on baby-child... sensitive skin.. I wouldnt be complaining..
I bought boxful from Sam's club.. total 168 diapers in it for 23 dollars.. compare to cloth diapers.. just throw disposable diapers in trash outside till fill up then throw in garabage can. bacterica free.. :)
Cloth diapers are very high risk for baterica if YOU handle them carefully..
have to dump cloth diaper in toilet to get poop out.. then put in diaper pail... after 2 or 3 diapers change.. go in washer fill with hot water and bleach..
THEN.. have to wash diaper pail too...
after bleach diapers.. have to wash again with regular soap (dreft or little bit of tide or all) whatever..
put in dryer.. cant use fabric softener.. cuz when pee or mositure (after wet the diaper).. the moisture breaks out the chemical from fabric softener can cause rash or discomfort...

so.. its pain the ass to do those.. i wouldnt have TIME for it..
whats more cloth diapers are expensive.. elec & water & gas bill, laundry soap (dreft is very expensive), bleach... and dr visits for ill if you dont handle them properly..

disoaple.. buy bulk.. 23 dollars.. change diapers.. -=walk outside.. dump it.
only 5.00 a month for trash.. heh.. no dr visit.. (if you wash your hands AFTER) :P

:ily: I have to agree with you.. I never thought of
Cloth diapers are very high risk for baterica if YOU handle them carefully..

I havent order it yet becasue I knew myself that i will not wash them. dh said, "get real!!!!" LOL thank you for clearing up my mind. More likely, i am not gonna ordering them.
Yes I've experienced cloth diapers but they're pull-ups ones because, they save me money on teaching my children potty training....Didn't you know that pull-ups are alot more $$ than just regular diapers.....That is why I brought the cloth pull-ups..... :mrgreen: