If you could live in any time period, which one and why??

Good thing you didn't say 1348 to 1350.

But if I could use quantum physics to time travel, and take modern antibiotics with me to preserve my life, I would be able to become rich and influential buying up all the properties at a cut rate.

If I were humanitarian, I could become rich by curing the rich.. Unless they burned me as a witch.
I believe that was a time of upheaval due to the Black Death.When I think of the Black Death, I also think of Durer as well.

I believe Durer was born 2 centuries after the onslaughts of the Black Death in the 14th century.
But if I could use quantum physics to time travel, and take modern antibiotics with me to preserve my life, I would be able to become rich and influential buying up all the properties at a cut rate.

If I were humanitarian, I could become rich by curing the rich.. Unless they burned me as a witch.

Very very good :giggle:
Probably what a couple of others have said already but the roaring 20's sounds good. Or the late 1800's in the wild west of course!
I always wonder what it is alike to be first man to be created here on earth. Also I would like to know what it is alike to live among dinasours.
1600s Holland, when reason and new ideas regarding science, politics, and art began to flow freely.

Or, Alexandria, Egypt, about 200 B.C. I heard they had a cool library there . . .
1960's Free love, smoke, surfing, panel wagons, VW vans. Dude
Actually, 1776 Colonial America was probably a pretty cool time period to live in.
Ancient Egypt for me. I would make pictures in the hieroglyphs of the Jetsons car, a Helicopter, and a jet just to mess with people who found them later. I would probably make them next to a hieroglyph of a huge big bug just to be vague.

In fact, if time travel is ever invented, that is what I will do.
I wanna live in 2015 so I can see Marty McFly and the DeLorean Time Machine and I can get past this 2012 hooba-hoo.
These times. Because I can take all the previous time periods and level up. :giggle:
I would love to live in the 70's as my beloved mother would still be alive young and beautiful!

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