if you could have any animal as a pet...

I have one Savannah cat and one Bengal. Unfortunately, one white tiger would cost less. :doh:
I would ... wow, still breaks my heart after all these years .... :(

If I could only have my Heidi back. She wasn't an exotic pet, but she was very special to me. Surprising how a tiny little dog .... ah, never mind.

RIP Heidi ... daddy loves you.

I miss Finlay like hell and my Samoyed Husky , Daffy that was stolen . I offer a reward of her hoping whoever took would bring her back. :(
Id love to have a big black kitty, you can say that panther but i love varied of big cats, cheetos, tiger, white tiger, wild cat bob, leopard, cub etc!! i know they all wont saying meow but can purr?? i think LOL
A lion with his gorgeous mane! A big, bad, naughty cat with some lingering innocense - gives me the chills! :P
I have a Boxer and my cat. I really would not change that. A Boxer takes a certain amount of effort I would surmise, but what ever you give them they return ten fold. No matter how big they get they still think they are puppies.
I have a Boxer and my cat. I really would not change that. A Boxer takes a certain amount of effort I would surmise, but what ever you give them they return ten fold. No matter how big they get they still think they are puppies.

That is true. I use to have a boxer too. He was super sweet and got along with the rest of the pets and all. But well we did have an issue. Like you saod, of your boxer thinking its always a puppy, mine did too. And the boxer trying to play with my sister. He jumped on her and made her fall, it needed stiches. I still feel bad the boxer had to be given away
But at least its with an owner that loves him a lot.
They are powerful and heavy, mine is anyway. He is large for a pure bred. He has had allot of training, he minds VERY well. He has been protective of me on occasion, always was called for. He is with me 24/7
That is true. I use to have a boxer too. He was super sweet and got along with the rest of the pets and all. But well we did have an issue. Like you saod, of your boxer thinking its always a puppy, mine did too. And the boxer trying to play with my sister. He jumped on her and made her fall, it needed stiches. I still feel bad the boxer had to be given away
But at least its with an owner that loves him a lot.

A dinner-plate sized spider! Non-poisonous, that is. Don't want nor don't need a deadly spider sneaking up on me in the middle of the night. Any one of those in the Southern US will do-- other countries have poisonous spiders too dangerous for my liking.
Pictures of Zeus (my boxer) are posted in the pictures of our pets thread or on my profile.
Bullshit! Feeding a white tiger costs $$$$$$! You would have to steal cows or rob a bank for that.

Feeding, yes that could be expensive.... I was referring to the link you posted saying they cost $10k. My Savannah and Bengal cost a lot... more than that sadly. Food wise, they still eat a lot and require a lot of meat intake. I do work in the medical field though, so it might not be too unrealistic. I am starting to take my M.D. classes in 2014, costs may be realistic. :dunno2: