if you could have any animal as a pet...


New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Then what animal would that be? As for me, i have always wanted a blue ring octopus but well they are like really poisonous. I also wanted an albino sea turtle. And a pygmy hippo!!
a Cheetah, i love them...and a falcon for falconry, few dogs (cant name all the breeds im sun stroked right now), more cats, bengals, and savannah would be cool, not keen on any fish, or turtles or snakes...maybe a horse or two would be cool...but thats like only if money is no object (thus as i'm rich)
10 years from now I see myself always having a dog.... I love my Karma, but when she ultimately passes I want a Weimereiner.... so pretty.... but first I'll have to learn to spell them hahaha

I probably won't have another cat.

I REALLY WANT A CONURE!! I love birds, but my cats would kill them.
I also would love to have a tortoise & an iguana.....

Unrealistically? A SPIDER MONKEY!
I have had a falcon before abd a squirrel. Probabky that have been like the most exotic ive gone with pets. But ive had rabbits, torioise z turtles fish, dogs, some kinds of birds and spiders.
I would ... wow, still breaks my heart after all these years .... :(

If I could only have my Heidi back. She wasn't an exotic pet, but she was very special to me. Surprising how a tiny little dog .... ah, never mind.

RIP Heidi ... daddy loves you.
I would ... wow, still breaks my heart after all these years .... :(

If I could only have my Heidi back. She wasn't an exotic pet, but she was very special to me. Surprising how a tiny little dog .... ah, never mind.

RIP Heidi ... daddy loves you.

me too I'd want my cat Ginger back that had to be put to sleep 3 years ago February next year ... had that cat 18 years ...
A white tiger.... I love big cats. Suppose I'll have to settle for my Savannah's and my Bengals for now... Until I one day secure an exotic pet license!!! :twisted:
