If you could change your name

I wish that my parents name me as Amanda Tuffy instead of Amanda Rae, i hate * RAE * middle name.. I like TUFFY cause it fit perfect to me.. i am so tough gal as TUFFY .. wink

I never liked my real name all my life but I accept my name. :) My grandmother loved to call me nickname was "Gladys". I HATED that name. I like my middle name that suit me.
eternity said:
Nooooooooooooo I will never alter my name. I wuv my original name.

I know!! I like it, too! I think your name is one of the best ones I ever knew!!

If my family disowned me, I'll change my name to Beau.
I have a friend which name is Dreama too .. it pretty name!! it not popular name in world .. so it nice name.. Dreama sound like sweet dreams! hehe...

A several years ago, my deaf lady friends and I happen saw Bob Denver and Professer Johnson at Mall. Bob Denver looks didn't change since he was cast in Gilligan's Island. He wore his original red and white clothes in TV series at Mall. :)
ArkieGal said:
I won't change my name. I like my name Ronda. Everyone said Ronda is pretty name. :)

Yes, Ronda is a very pretty name, but it always reminded me of the Beach Boys' song "Help Me Rhonda". :)
When I was a kid, I wanted to be called "Catherine".

In my paternal grandparents, all first born females carried the tradition to be called Catherine -> Margaret -> Catherine.

I wish my name is unusual such as Zuleika or Zipporah.
i don't like my name is Kristy but I want to put my name is Christy. It sounds same name.

Gaylord Oglethorpe Bigglesworth. I just think it sounds kinda snappy, don’t you? :thumb: