If there was a cure for hearing loss and you all took it, we wouldnt be here anymore.
Thats the plan, shell....thats their long game..
To rid the world of people like us.
The means through out the last couple hundred years have been debated and tried,
Sterilizatiin, isolation, forced assimiliation,
The tools, have changed....the goal has remained the same.
And it will only continue.
Its a done deal.
Its just a matter of time.
Given how much loot is being brought to bare to rid the world of those like us...
We dont and have never stood a chance.
And with us, will go our language, our stories, our jokes, our poems, our very soul, our cultural memory, our cultural interface to the world,
our long eyes,
The eyes who love sign.
Sign, our prism the world we see and think and share..
Our long eyes, Deaf eyes...Deaf dreams,
Our history...our memory....
To be at best a fossil in a musem...
As the drill turns...
It wont nor can it be stopped.
Its over.
(Lights a fatty.....stares into the smoke swrling and rising....pondering oblivion..."