If there was anything in world....?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2009
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If there was anything in the world that you would/could change in your life right now, what would it be?

For me, it would be that I could be fluent in Auslan and use it full-on without hesitation and go back to teaching again, but this time in sign language.
So many things. The big thing that is preventing me from doing almost anything I want?

I want my knees to not be screwed up. It stops me from everything
Everyone will be required to have a car with turbocharged engine.j/K!!

Seriously, I would like a world where credit card interest and gas prices weren't so high.
Everyone gets jobs without trying getting into college. Not everyone wants to go to college to able afford a place in a nice area. Everyone just needs basic, safe area even in a large metro area. Too bad it's not Utopia anymore.
I would like to stop being so good looking, all the constant attention gets old.
If there was anything in the world that you would/could change in your life right now, what would it be?

For me, it would be that I could be fluent in Auslan and use it full-on without hesitation and go back to teaching again, but this time in sign language.

I would have bought a different motorcycle. bigger and more powerful :lol:
Not only me wish something to change for myself but for me to this world, I wish all human treated equally and respect.
If there was anything in the world that you would/could change in your life right now, what would it be?

For me, it would be that I could be fluent in Auslan and use it full-on without hesitation and go back to teaching again, but this time in sign language.

I'd like a cure for my learning disability so I could be a Vet and work with animals.

Not to have gotten myself in debt from when I was younger.
I'd be as open about the things that matter as I am about the things that don't.
if I have a lot of money,

I would hire a fur nanny for taking care of cats and cats thingy during the day time.






I would change my coming into existence,
You're a precious and unique person. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I could change something, I think I would have gone back to school 10 years ago. Trying to work on who you're going to be when you grow up when you're in your 40's is harder than I thought it would be.
Wirelessly posted

I would love to teach Zumba and promote health and help people beat obesity!