If something should ever happen to any of us...

My son is already a member here on AD and I will make sure he knows what to do. He doesn't check in often, but I will have a talk with him.

I don't think I know SexyPorkie, but I do worry about the status with Jillio.

Botti- I think you will be around for a long while yet. You're just too special to be taken yet.

JClarke- I never thought about making a will as young as you are, but at least you got your head on right. Will get mine done here soon.
Yeah as I have a lot of assests, dont want the govt to take over. So I write a will in case I get killed while young etc
I know this is a depressing topic to bring up on Christmas Eve but with recent threads inquiring about SexyPorkie and Jillio, I decided to bring this matter up.

For those who are frequent ADers who have friends here, I was wondering if you all can tell a close family member/friend or two that you are a member of AD and if something happens to us, have that family member or friend be responsible for signing in using our account and letting everyone know that we are unable to come to AD for whatever reason? This issue would be helpful for many of us. I am going to tell my hubby and brother about AD and give them my password.

What do you think?

ya'all will know what will happen to me cuz handful of you have me on your FB :)

I live in a close-knit community so quite a handful of people will know what happened to me and they know my brother so ya'all will read what happened in my FB :)

Be safe and stay healthy, ya'all!
White wolves lives in Chico and knows my daughter Bobbie, an interpreter in Oroville, Caifornia. Pretty easy to find out about me.

I will ask her to come on here, she has an account, ASL_Bobbie, just because I am here.

I will ask her to communicate anything major to everyone here.
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i have let people know i am a member here but ive not given any instructions on what to do in the event of my death.

i may contact some other local members and if they see my name in the state obits section to notify you all.

i have no will made out as of yet but i need to given i am a single parent and my own parents are aging.
If I ever die, I will not be attending anymore. That will be your hint. But, I think I have plenty more years left. ;)
likewise... if I was to be gone forever.. friends will find out what's up with me thru facebook like I did find out about one friend who passed away on thanksgiving ugh.. I gulped big time oh well.. they come and go but they leave something special in your heart that will be with you forever.. :)
i think same goes for me...i have someone on here that could tell but i think i have a whiles to go:)
I suppose several folks here will know.

When the time is right, I'll discuss with my mother, if anything were to happen to me today, to let some people know. Perhaps, if I typed up contact info and mark "very important, must let them know" or something and make several copies, one for my wallet, bedroom and office.
How would we know its not fake?
If something shall happen to me.. so many of you are friends with me on fb/twitter.. you can tell everyone here what happened! :D
How would we know its not fake?

One thing is for sure, if something happens to me and one of those three posts for me and I dont come back for months and months, it will be obvious that it is not fake. :D
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shel90 said:
Oceanblue7 said:
How would we know its not fake?

One thing is for sure, if something happens to me and one of those three posts for me and I dont come back for months and months, it will be obvious that it is not fake. :D

Yes, I am just thinking back to past fake deaths. A member can pretend to be a family member using that members screen name. I am sure for the most part, we are all pretty much mature enough to handle this in a good way.
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I have a fb account so people will post something there.
How would we know its not fake?

What about if we come up with a secret word for eack of us to give to Alex and moderators that only us and one person that would tell if something should happen?
Yeah, it was how I found out my best friend was in ICU. One of his friends posted the information on my friend's Facebook wall so all of us knew what happened. So yeah... all it require for me is one person to get a wind of it, then everyone else will know.


My family knows about AD, because I've talked to them about it sometimes, but I don't think they would wanna come here and tell the world what had happened to me only people they know or people that know me personally. ;)

Just maybe my twin sister will. ;)