If its REALLY cold where you live...

what major city is chandler near? phoenix?

Yes, it's big suburb of Phoenix.

There's Glendale, they are mixed like south portion isn't nice since north portion is nice and middle class.
something else i've noticed are that homes in tucson aren't made of brick like many of them here are. of course, that makes sense when you think about the extremely hot temperatures in tucson.

Most homes here in Texas are made of brick, including my apartment building...it's made of brick and parts of it is covered in wood sidings.
snakes can still get thru the gates...I think the gates are more for security.

If the apts are in the city or suburbs, it is rare to see a snake but out in a new development or in the desert with few buildings, then the chances of seeing a snake increases.

I have never seen a snake in Phx but when my dad took us out to the desert to go to the lakes, camping or whatever, then that's where I see them. In my lifetime, I probably have seen less than 10 snakes and that's a total of 28 years living in the desert.

I saw lizards almost daily...:lol:

We have rattlesnakes here in Texas too...we have so many snake farms outside of San Antonio. We also have scorpions as well, but you will only see them way out in the country. We occasionally see iguanas and other lizards here, but they don't survive for long because of the birds.
darn. that's where i really have it good here. i live in a suburb of milwaukee and we have public transportation in several suburban communities.

i'm not sure i want to live in downtown phoenix for fear of my own safety.

it looks like tempe or mesa might be my best options.

That's true. Milwaukee's public transportation is way better than it is here, even though it's a hell of a lot more expensive than it is here. There's a doctor I go to see that is only 10 minutes away from where I live, and if I want to go by bus I would have to get off on Judson and Independence and walk 10 blocks to the office! :shock: I said fuck no! I can't even walk two blocks! I use the Medicaid Transportation Program for that, but I would rather take the bus because I don't want to wait two hours to be picked up after my appointment even though I only live 10 minutes away! And San Antonio is so fucking huge that it takes more than 3 buses just to get from the North side to the South side. I am not kidding. And they just jacked up the prices of the bus fares here a few weeks ago, and I am not happy. They said they only hiked it up 15 cents, but it is really 25 cents because they also made the first transfer slips not free anymore. They are now 10 cents for first transfers in addition to the original fare of $1.15. It used to be $1 with a free first transfer. Ridiculous! And plus, not ALL buses here are frequent service buses. Frequent service buses come every 20 minutes, while metro buses come every hour. I live outside the 410 loop so the buses in my area are just metro buses. That also sucks...Almost all of Milwaukee's buses come every 15 to 20 minutes, if I remember correctly. And there, it only takes two buses to get most anywhere, and no more than an hour each way. At least the bus fares here doesn't cost as much as it does in Milwaukee now...it's $2 now in Milwaukee! :shock: When I was still living in Milwaukee it was still only $1.35 with a free transfer. Do they still issue free transfers?
i'd appreciate it if you could because if it is, i wouldn't mind living there.

i wonder how the safety of downtown phoenix compares to downtown milwaukee? hmmm.

i'm sure phoenix would have a higher crime rate, but that's only because it's a much larger city than milwaukee.

I like San Antonio, but I wish it wasn't so much bigger than Milwaukee. :shock:
I like San Antonio, but I wish it wasn't so much bigger than Milwaukee. :shock:

that's what i'm afraid of too if i move to phoenix. i really like the size of milwaukee. it isn't too big or too small.

i also hope the people of phoenix (or wherever i move) are as nice there as they are in milwaukee. here i'm used to having conversations with strangers while in line at the grocery store. i don't know if that kind of thing happens in arizona or not.

how friendly are the people in san antonio? are most of them as friendly as they are here in milwaukee (or did you always have bad experiences with strangers when you lived in milwaukee)?
Oh I will miss Miami if and when I ever leave it...it's a beautiful place to live year-round. But things are too costly. It could be time to leave my hometown, maybe: Nothing settled yet.

That's my feeling. I left Miami 4 years ago this month after 13 yrs in the area. I love living in Miami.......but choices had to be made. I'm staying home with my children because of moving over here.

how friendly are the people in san antonio? are most of them as friendly as they are here in milwaukee (or did you always have bad experiences with strangers when you lived in milwaukee)?

People are pretty friendly here, but I still don't like strangers in general. Some of them are just plain weird.

Last week I was riding a bus home from the pharmacy, and there was a woman on the bus wearing two bike tires around her neck, and she took one off, and pretended that it was a gun, and pretended to "shoot" at various different people. Every time she pretended to "shoot", she would say "POW!" every time. I was like "WTF". She could be mentally ill, but still...that was a weird sight to see. She looked to be about 50 or 60 years old. :dunno:
People are pretty friendly here, but I still don't like strangers in general. Some of them are just plain weird.

Last week I was riding a bus home from the pharmacy, and there was a woman on the bus wearing two bike tires around her neck, and she took one off, and pretended that it was a gun, and pretended to "shoot" at various different people. Every time she pretended to "shoot", she would say "POW!" every time. I was like "WTF". She could be mentally ill, but still...that was a weird sight to see. She looked to be about 50 or 60 years old. :dunno:

strange... i wonder if she was schizophrenic?

your story reminds me of the time i was riding a bus in downtown milwaukee and there was a man (whom i believe was mentally ill) who would walk onto the bus, walk off and then walk back on again. when the bus driver asked him if he wanted to ride the bus, the man kept talking to himself, but i couldn't understand what he said.
here's a couple of pix of NYC this morning.... that's how cold it was


it very cold in indiana!!!!! i have to walk 5 blocks to get bus to work. i so cold! i can't wait until it get warmer and i dont have to wear my jacket!
that's what i'm afraid of too if i move to phoenix. i really like the size of milwaukee. it isn't too big or too small.

i also hope the people of phoenix (or wherever i move) are as nice there as they are in milwaukee. here i'm used to having conversations with strangers while in line at the grocery store. i don't know if that kind of thing happens in arizona or not.

If U bump into my dad at the grocery store, u will get a full conversation!!!

Most people in Phx came from all over so it all depends on each person. However, people arent rude in general.

I think due to my deafness, I couldnt hear if people are having conversations while in line or not ..I never really paid attention before.

However, here in Baltimore which is a mean city, people have conversations with me while in line so I was pleasantly surprised.

My mom said that since the new stadium was built for the Cardinals, Glendale is a nicer place to live in than it was when I was living in Phx. Also, it is cheap there too.

She said whatever you do...DONT MOVE TO MARYVALE...it is gang infested.
Jiro, your pixs look about as grey as it has been here (Minneapolis). Gloomy gloomy gloomy !!

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