Icom software update?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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My friend has the icom and she asked me (even tho I don't have an icom or ComPilot) whether the software update would improve battery life?

She only uses it for the phone when out and about but wants to start listening to music with it.

If the software hasn't improve battery, what has it improved?

My friend has the icom and she asked me (even tho I don't have an icom or ComPilot) whether the software update would improve battery life?

She only uses it for the phone when out and about but wants to start listening to music with it.

If the software hasn't improve battery, what has it improved?

Can't answer your question regarding the software but can say the battery life on the ComPilot is much better.
Did you ask this on the hearing aid forum also? Might get more responses over there. I don't go over there too often.
I just got a icom from my audi to test last night, i will see how the battery goes and report back, at least that should give you somthing to compare to
I tried to set up the icom with a landline phone at work but i couldnt get it to work so im afraid im going to take it back tomorrow
I tried to set up the icom with a landline phone at work but i couldnt get it to work so im afraid im going to take it back tomorrow

No worries, shame it didn't work out for you. :)