Thank you all for such warm welcomes!
Hear Again asked:
Did you have any difficulty adjusting to the sound of your transpositional aids? I thought about trying them before I received my first CI, but was told that sometimes it can be difficult relearning how to hear given the nature of transpositional aids. Just curious... Hope you enjoy being a part of AD!
Over the years I have had a number of hearing aids...usually the "bestest" available at the time.
I had always been bothered by the dull, one dimensional, smothering lack of clarity/brilliance of the sound offered by the various analog and digital hearing aids...and I knew what "real" sound could sound like when I would put on stereo headphones without using my hearing aids and turned on some music (of course the volume was cranked way up, my wife could hear it if she was in the same room!) almost made me cry because I knew what I was missing.
Guess what? As soon as I put on my Sonovation AVR hearing aids and got them programmed (in my audiologist's office), I achieved that clarity/brilliance that I was looking for! Right away, I could hear in three dimensions...I heard the fan of the personal computer in the corner, and could sense it's location...I could hear the receptionist's phone ringing down the hall and around two corners!! I could "feel" the sound in three dimensions! I was amazed. My audiologist was amazed when she evaluated my hearing in a sound speech comprehension was much better! (I was her first AVR customer...I had to twist her arm to help me get fitted/buy the AVRs)
But yes, there was an adjustment period, I think more due to the AVR's special programming to enhance certain speech sounds (constantants??? I forget, its been about 4 years) rather than the transpositional feature. The AVR aids have a multitude of special features. The change that I had to adjust to was what initially sounded like clicks, not so much when hearing human speech, but when there was an electronic or mechanical sound. I think the clicks were due to the speech enhancement programming. The clicks were not all that annoying, but for awhile I did have to ask my wife "what is making that sound now?" to correalate what I heard to the source of the sound. By the way, my hearing loss is "about" 90 db in both ears at somewhat low frequencies, but the loss in the middle of the "conversation" band is worse.
Now, everything seems "normal". Recently, I had to go back to using my old normal digital backup hearing aids while I had the AVRs serviced....what a contrast...very depressing...I missed my AVRs!
