I wrote a tutorial for a program that subtitles Google Videos


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
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*waves* Hi! My name is Vickie and I'm hearing. My husband found this forum when he was searching for information about captions. He found a link here that talked about how Google Video now lets you add subtitles to videos you upload there. He did some more research and found a free program that makes subtitling videos very easy. I got the program, DivXLand Media Subtitler, and had a blast subtitling several videos of an singer I like. There was a lot of trial and error in learning the program, so just for the heck of it I wrote a tutorial on how to use it thinking it might help someone else.

Since this all started here, and you didn't know it, I wanted to post and give a link to the tutorial. Perhaps some people here, or their friends or family might be interested in using the program. If my tutorial helps them learn quicker and get more and more subtitled videos up on Google Video, then I'm glad to help. This is all not-for-profit, I just did it because it looked like (and was!) fun.

My tutorial is here: Subtitling your OWN videos for Google Video. (Graphics-heavy tutorial)

I'm pleased that the fella who wrote the program liked my tutorial so much he put a link to it on his page.

If anyone has any suggestons to make the tutorial better, or questions, please let me know. I'm not always around, but I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you! :ily: Someday, my video will be soon to add subtitles when I
pick a better subtitles software for my home video, then I will burn on DVD
with subtitles for my video! It's great to have a new technology without an add-captioning cost for these videos!! :)