I would like a service dog for my home.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2014
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My friend asked me if I would like a service dog now that I will have two teenagers/adults leaving for college in the fall leaving me at home without the extra set of ears around the house. I am interested in this option. I have trained two in my lifetime and my last furry pet died just 2 years ago. Does anyone know how I can go about seeing if I can have this accessibility for me? If not, my plans are to get me another golden retriever and start over.

You could call this place and see how long a wait there is to get a hearing dog , I know it can take up to 3 years with some places. They help people that lost their service dogs first . I called NEADS after Finlay died and I was told they were not training as many hearing dogs anymore, they were training dogs for wounded vets. There was a 3 years waiting period with NEADS it was not that long with Finlay. I think the person they trained him for did not want him which worked out fine for me. I see no reason why you can't have hearing dog but you really need to start making phone calls and get your name on the list. Paw For a Cause is another place , maybe the place I posted could help you find a place if they can't.

You could call this place and see how long a wait there is to get a hearing dog , I know it can take up to 3 years with some places. They help people that lost their service dogs first . I called NEADS after Finlay died and I was told they were not training as many hearing dogs anymore, they were training dogs for wounded vets. There was a 3 years waiting period with NEADS it was not that long with Finlay. I think the person they trained him for did not want him which worked out fine for me. I see no reason why you can't have hearing dog but you really need to start making phone calls and get your name on the list. Paw For a Cause is another place , maybe the place I posted could help you find a place if they can't.

Thanks!!!! I trained mine but after I lost Sydney, my sweet golden boy, I just have been lost with out my companion. You know the rest of my story- hearing aid issue , lost my last and only grandmother, now I have SAD. I think this would help me cope better and especially with the things to come.. My boys are a moving out to college. Eeeeeek!!
Thanks!!!! I trained mine but after I lost Sydney, my sweet golden boy, I just have been lost with out my companion. You know the rest of my story- hearing aid issue , lost my last and only grandmother, now I have SAD. I think this would help me cope better and especially with the things to come.. My boys are a moving out to college. Eeeeeek!!

I heard you can buy sun lights to help treat SAD , it's comment to get during the long winters months. I still miss Finlay he went everywhere with me. I had to take with b/c a neighbor said my dog barked the whole time I was gone , he was the only person the said so I knew he was lying b/c he was afraid of my dog and wanted him gone.
I heard you can buy sun lights to help treat SAD , it's comment to get during the long winters months....
When my nephew and his wife were stationed with the Air Force in Alaska, they said that most of the families bought and used the SAD lights because of the short Alaskan days. They didn't believe it at first but they quickly discovered that the lights really did make a positive difference.
When my nephew and his wife were stationed with the Air Force in Alaska, they said that most of the families bought and used the SAD lights because of the short Alaskan days. They didn't believe it at first but they quickly discovered that the lights really did make a positive difference.

I heard that too , that the lights really help , some people going to tanning booths to help with SAD too .
When my nephew and his wife were stationed with the Air Force in Alaska, they said that most of the families bought and used the SAD lights because of the short Alaskan days. They didn't believe it at first but they quickly discovered that the lights really did make a positive difference.

I am in the midst of acquiring the lights via my PCM on base. Just waiting on approval. For now, turning on lights in house and sitting by the window even when it's nasty out. Sunshiny days, I get out and walk or go in to town to distract myself. Yay me!!! Still would like to have my comfort zone back with a pet ( one that can help with other things- doorbell, alarm and the kids, even though they are growing up and still do typical teenage stuff : yell for me two floors up talking - Bwahahaha)
My sister-in-law has that SAD and says the light you can get for that is helpful for her-
I heard that too , that the lights really help , some people going to tanning booths to help with SAD too .

while it sounds great idea but I think I will stick to natural sunshine and some sunscreen to limit my chances to melanoma.
while it sounds great idea but I think I will stick to natural sunshine and some sunscreen to limit my chances to melanoma.

I had a client that never stayed out in the sun very long and she got melanoma , you get it from natural sunlight too.
I had a client that never stayed out in the sun very long and she got melanoma , you get it from natural sunlight too.

As long as you cover up properly and use sunscreen it can help limit your chances. I know that anyone can get it, but for now, I need natural sunlight to help promote the vitamin D I need along with the prescribed vitamin dose by my PCM.
a few others...





I know someone who trained her American Eskimo to be a hearing ear dog (though not sure how or through what program etc...)

Re SAD- natural sunlight or proper lights is best.. I'd be avoiding the tanning booths as they are known to cause or contribute to other health issues.
Thank you for some insights.. I am going to take a look and see what would be best. Hubby thinks I may need to wait just a little longer until we can actually afford the vet bills and food that will come with ownership. It's pretty tight right now considering tax season, we got pay what we owe first. YiKeS~!!!!!
Thank you for some insights.. I am going to take a look and see what would be best. Hubby thinks I may need to wait just a little longer until we can actually afford the vet bills and food that will come with ownership. It's pretty tight right now considering tax season, we got pay what we owe first. YiKeS~!!!!!

My hearing dog had insurance for service dogs it paid vet bills when Finlay was ill or hurt . it did not cover yearly check up.