I wish to delete my account - valid reason.

It's also a bit over the top on political correctness, too. Can't put a funny picture of a cat dressed in a suicide bomber costume suit in the jokes section without somebody hyperventilating about it.

it is not the picture that got your banned. it's your action and intention behind that picture that got you banned. I got banned for same thing too :wave:

why don't you learn a thing from GWB? Move on and forget about it. He does not blame the predecessors nor call them out. You have a tendency to gripe about it for a long time in insidious way.

need hug? :aw:
Thank you for letting me know, it is nice of you to inform me. I have emailed that account but recieved no reply yet. I am hoping this can all be sorted out soon as possible.

This will hopefully be my last message. I am greatful to those of you who were mature enough to understand where I was coming from and a bit taken back by the rest of the comments.

For me, the bottom line is that there was no mention upon signing up for this forum that adult content was made available once you signed up. In fact, the rules that you re-read when you click the 'register' button state that sexually orinated posts are not allowed? It is confusing to say the least.

I don't think I am in the wrong. I could not have assumed that this type of content would be available seeing as it isn't really anything to do with the overall nature (Deaf life) of the forum? (particularly the forum content that you see when you are not a registered member - none of the adult forums show up until you register) Had I known what I do now I wouldn't have joined.

The argument about the internet being full of this stuff really isn't valid. I have many places that use regularly without any fear of being exposed to unwanted viewing.

I really hope that my account will be deleted soon, this entire experience has been extremely stressful. I am thankful once again to those of you who have been helpful and kind towards me.

sorry to hear but why don't you just not come back? it's simpler that way.
Have I been "missing" something here? Not sure where the "adult?" sites are? I just wander around Cochlear Implant section and have made a number of comments based on my experience. I am also a member of the gothic site: Vampire Freaks.Com which appears to have much more "adult comments". Same user name.Just ignore wild comments!

Advanced Bionics Harmony Atria activated Aug/07
I can see why can't delete account. Supposed you delete your own account and other decided to create account using your handle, it can be confusing with posts that you made with other person.

I support Policy against delete account for this reason. Smart decision of Alex.