I will not be creating anymore threads.

But wait! There's a second part!

How is the aforementioned irony, not actually irony at all?

You'll want to win this one. The price is a doozie!
*face palm*

Guido, Guido...

For some reason, I don't want whatever the prize is.
Don't be so hasty. It might be a bottle of Tang to wash down the astronaut kibbles with. :deal:
Actually its a bottle full of Tyrannosaurus Rex urine. T-Rex urine! You can't get this anywhere else, but from here! 50 million years, and its still as fresh as the day it was extracted! And it can be all yours if you can answer one simple question!
I’m drunk—what was the question again?

The question was how many Buckdodgersses does it take to screw in a fluorescent light bulb if the temperature is 53 degrees Kelvin and there is an old woman outside?
Are YOU drunk? I just said I was drunk—don't you remember? At least I think I said I was drunk—I really don’t remember. Why do you ask?
Because that is an absurd answer! How could 56 Buckdodgersses exist? There is only one Buckdodgers! The world couldn't handle more.

You're disqualified for breaking my zero tolerance policy on alcohol abuse and dimwittedness. May God have mercy on your soul, little man.
If you withdraw your petition for a ceasure of this thread, I'll give you a banana. How's that sound?

Are you still drunk?