I think I may get this as my new car...

in America..... this is the offroad! USA! USA! USA #1! :cool2:

Yes, I agree Jiro - maybe just "gravel road"?
otherwise, if the petrol price weren't that $$$$$$$$$ here, I'd get this:

What? I don't even understand what you're saying.

No, my car doesn't give me magical see-through-other-cars abilities. But then, neither does your SUV/tank. That's why when there's a vehicle blocking my view, I'm careful so as to not get hit.

As for seeing around other thing... I think you have a wildly skewed vision of what it's like to drive a small car. Drive one for a month or so, then come back and tell me that you can't handle it and you just absolutely need a tank so that you can see through every possibility on the road. Meanwhile, instead of living fearful of every possible mistake that happens, I'll be having fun while driving. :D
My eyes are at least 5' off the ground, so I can see over things better than you can.

I have driven "short" cars, and I don't like the line of sight quite as much.

I'm having a lot of fun driving my truck because it does everything that I want and need. I love to take pictures of the scenic outdoors, and I can get places you'd wreck your car trying to get to. I don't need or want to zip around in a low car. Ten forward speeds, 4wd, plenty of clearance. etc, all give me what works for me.

Each to their own.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Yea gravel roads, ya can't drive fast or u flip over. It happened a few times here on rural areas. I limit to abt 30 to 35 mph mostly. I avoid these roads though.
never drive car offroad and you say feels bad, man? actually.... I should feel bad for anybody who drives their car offroad cuz I'd have to tow their ass back to paved road :)



Car? No problem with any models of Subaru.
Car? No problem with any models of Subaru.

awww you stuck?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24YmH5ADUtE]YouTube - ‪Subaru Stuck in the mud‬‏[/ame]

stuck? what's stuck? never heard of it!

Never heard of it? Duh! You are Deaf and you can't heard any shit. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDNeugy3HgQ]YouTube - ‪Getting my Xterra Stuck‬‏[/ame]


Because mud (soft and hard) are not level, Yep, Everything stuck even Xterra.

If Xterra can do thru mud then Subaru can do too.

But I am not BIG FAN of MUD thing, It may destroy everything your brake system, suspension system, bearing, etc. Few of my friends from college and they are big fan of mud with their Ford, Chevy, and other with bigass wheels so they got a lot problem after muds.
Because...? :)

because I'm saving him from a very expensive mistake :)

some people forget that they are driving a regular city slicker Subaru... not WRC-version.
Because you are jealous of Subaru.

:aw: aw - jealous of my bike since it can do what both Subaru and Xterra do?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUgQZnthFBc]YouTube - ‪BMW F 650 GS The Offroad Adventure Bike‬‏[/ame]