several months ago we had a coyote in the yard next door to us - we live in the middle of the city. My dad has seen them downtown early in the morning <he works third shift security> and I saw one a few weeks ago - this latest one crossed in front of me on the road as I was driving. Coyotes are very adaptable and eat a wide of variety of things - rodents are traditional prey <mice, voles> and rabbits; they also eat chickens, fish, insects, berries...if several can take down a fawn or other smaller hoofed animal, they will do it but they don't typically hunt in packs with the same social structure, or take large prey like wolves do.
in urban areas, coyotes also eat dog food, garbage scraps, and whatever else they can find. This may include small dogs/cats and pet rabbits left un-attended. Coyotes are not extremely shy <unlike wolves> and very opportunistic, so agreeing with Banjo - if they find an easier food source as opposed to traditional hunting, that's what they'll do, especially if they have pups to feed.