I return to Rochester...

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run, rochester, RUN!!!!!!!!!!
*chuckles* just be glad i won't see you, Rob. you know how much i hate drug users.
Haha, I don't want to see you anyways.

Edit- Actually I would. :twisted: Like you said, you would meet me in person and actually see who I am.
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I'm back! i have gone to Rochester and i've been at SAU, TA, The Dining Commons, the library and my friend's apartment. Here is something as proof of my visit:


  • shirt.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 70
Originally posted by PSORules79
I'm back! i have gone to Rochester and i've been at SAU, TA, The Dining Commons, the library, and my friend's apartment. Here is something as proof of my visit:


  • su.jpg
    37.3 KB · Views: 67
Originally posted by Pure Ion
Haha, I don't want to see you anyways.

Edit- Actually I would. :twisted: Like you said, you would meet me in person and actually see who I am.

God, you actually take my jokes seriously ??

Too bad you actually fled the city just like the Iraqi Information Minister would flee Baghdad.

As matter of fact, your nickname, Rob, shall be the Alldeaf Information Minister because you are full of crap just like him.
Originally posted by t e d d y
I have that 'zine from yesterday GO SYACUSE!!!!

yeah I picked it up at the SOL health store after a old high school friend who is now a freshman encouraged me and my friend to go buy the magazine.
Originally posted by PSORules79
God, you actually take my jokes seriously ??

Too bad you actually fled the city just like the Iraqi Information Minister would flee Baghdad.

As matter of fact, your nickname, Rob, shall be the Alldeaf Information Minister because you are full of crap just like him.

HAHA That should be the opposite. You are full of crap. No one on alldeaf likes u. The moderators just feel sorry for you, just go lick ur grandma's clit again. I'm sure she's overdue for it.
Originally posted by Pure Ion
HAHA That should be the opposite. You are full of crap. No one on alldeaf likes u. The moderators just feel sorry for you, just go lick ur grandma's clit again. I'm sure she's overdue for it.

You're just angry cause you missed your chance at me and you really do talk like The Iraqi Information Minster because you just denied that I actually was in Rochester exploring RIT and visiting my friends.

Hence why your nickname is the Alldeaf Info Minister, Rob.
Like if I said I was going to, say, Atlanta and announced to everyone on AD2. Nobody will give a friggin' crap if I went to Atlanta or not.
who cares if you go to rochester or not. its just a city. goddamnit.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Like if I said I was going to, say, Atlanta and announced to everyone on AD2. Nobody will give a friggin' crap if I went to Atlanta or not.

That's the difference.

Atlanta is a city. Rochester is a special place where it all started for me. Everytime I visit there... it gives me that renewed sense of feeling, you know ? It is where I became a legend and got my college degree plus it is the Mecca of the deaf world.
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