Let me give you some good advice. First of all, you are not deaf(not that there's anything wrong) but you are pretty much hearing! You do have a mild-moderate hearing loss at 1000-4000Hz but normal hearing in every other frequency. Your ability to understand monosyllabic word speech at 55db HL(normal converstation level) is 100% unaided! To be considered hearing or having normal hearing, unaided speech at normal converstation level loudness of 55db HL must be above 90%. You have an SRT of 25db, that is you are able to understand someone whispering!
The brain is a powerful thing. All your life you keep telling yourself you can't hear. This causes you to psychologically be unable to hear even though nothing is physically wrong with your ears. Ok so you don't hear at 0db like a dog but your hearing is still excellent by even HOH standards and you understand a full 100% speech on a difficult monosyllabic test(way harder than sentence test!)
Your life is not worthless! The deaf/Deaf on here will tell you the same thing. All of us have way, way, way worse hearing than you. Even the best HA/CI gives us only half ability to understand speech! My ability to understand monosyllabic speech is 4% vs. your 100%! You really do have it easy! There is no reason why you can't play sports, poker, have fun at clubs/bars, have many friends, be sociable, have the best job in the world, etc.
I can play sports just fine, you don't even need sounds for that! I have been to a few bars/clubs myself no problem! No one needs a million friends. A few great friends over many causal acquaintances are way better. You can have 99% of the jobs out there and I bet you could even join the army as your hearing might be good enough! Check out my audiograms, this is what it means to be deaf. Your hearing is so good!
Stem cells most likley will do nothing for your normal or near normal hearing, maybe give a 5-10db improvement at one or two of the mids. Reputable stem cell centers won't consider you a candidate for hearing loss. Id ask around if stem cells can treat your depression and suicidal tendencies because then it would be a life saver for you and worth every penny of the $30,000 cost. I am getting stem cells, but then I don't have the excellent hearing you do. I will be happy to have 25% of your hearing after stem cells! It will let me hear more sounds/speech with my powerful HAs. Feel free to ask me questions and be happy!

The brain is a powerful thing. All your life you keep telling yourself you can't hear. This causes you to psychologically be unable to hear even though nothing is physically wrong with your ears. Ok so you don't hear at 0db like a dog but your hearing is still excellent by even HOH standards and you understand a full 100% speech on a difficult monosyllabic test(way harder than sentence test!)
Your life is not worthless! The deaf/Deaf on here will tell you the same thing. All of us have way, way, way worse hearing than you. Even the best HA/CI gives us only half ability to understand speech! My ability to understand monosyllabic speech is 4% vs. your 100%! You really do have it easy! There is no reason why you can't play sports, poker, have fun at clubs/bars, have many friends, be sociable, have the best job in the world, etc.
I can play sports just fine, you don't even need sounds for that! I have been to a few bars/clubs myself no problem! No one needs a million friends. A few great friends over many causal acquaintances are way better. You can have 99% of the jobs out there and I bet you could even join the army as your hearing might be good enough! Check out my audiograms, this is what it means to be deaf. Your hearing is so good!
Stem cells most likley will do nothing for your normal or near normal hearing, maybe give a 5-10db improvement at one or two of the mids. Reputable stem cell centers won't consider you a candidate for hearing loss. Id ask around if stem cells can treat your depression and suicidal tendencies because then it would be a life saver for you and worth every penny of the $30,000 cost. I am getting stem cells, but then I don't have the excellent hearing you do. I will be happy to have 25% of your hearing after stem cells! It will let me hear more sounds/speech with my powerful HAs. Feel free to ask me questions and be happy!