I need to vent bad; any new school suggestions?

many colleges do allow extenuating circumstance where a student gets unexpectedly severely-ill that may takes more than 2 weeks. As long as you have medical documentation, you can fill out paperwork and it should be approved without resistance. I'm surprised that your college is acting like a rogue place where they make up any rules they want.

but forgive me - at same time, I'm also questioning your ability and competence in this matter because you seem very clueless with how college system works. I don't know what's going on with you but what I'm suggesting is that you put your college on hold and get your personal matter settled beforehand. Get well. Stay healthy.

I don't know how the school works because I've never had to deal with problems like this. I usually just go to class, and come straight home. And as much as I wanted to stay in school, I just couldn't take the pain. I really need to stay in school now though. I want to make something of myself, and prove that they were wrong to judge me.
I know. They are suppose to accept it,it was a signed document and documents to state I was in the hospital during those times, but they said they won't. I'm appealing my academic status of last year. When I left last year, I was too sick to keep up with the work. I was constantly in and out of the hospital, or the clinic, or with a specialist. When I left though, all my teachers knew about illness and they were suppose to give me a W or I; not a single one did. They all failed the class I was in. So I have been trying to appeal last years grade because I left it brought my GPA down. I've recovered it to where it used to be, but they said last years GPA is affecting me, and can't get any financial assistance because of it. :/ Oh and thank you.

Sorry to learn about your troubles last year, glad to learn that you are at least better to where you were before, and again sorry to learn about the hassles they are giving you. I can understand that the professors get leeway to make the final decision, but after learning about your story, who would honestly try to fail you, let alone all of them. Hope there is some way that you can work that out. I know from experience that it is a lot easier to apply to jobs and such wirh a transcript with a GPA that reflects your knowledge, than hope you have the opportunity to explain how your GPA should actually be better than what is shown.
Sorry to learn about your troubles last year, glad to learn that you are at least better to where you were before, and again sorry to learn about the hassles they are giving you. I can understand that the professors get leeway to make the final decision, but after learning about your story, who would honestly try to fail you, let alone all of them. Hope there is some way that you can work that out. I know from experience that it is a lot easier to apply to jobs and such wirh a transcript with a GPA that reflects your knowledge, than hope you have the opportunity to explain how your GPA should actually be better than what is shown.

Thank you. I retook the majority of those classes, and passed; however, the grade they left that messed up my GPA will always stay on my transcripts. They said it'll never go away...I know that's a lie what they told me about it never going away though because I know after a certain amount of time you can appeal that as well.
Thank you. I retook the majority of those classes, and passed; however, the grade they left that messed up my GPA will always stay on my transcripts. They said it'll never go away...I know that's a lie what they told me about it never going away though because I know after a certain amount of time you can appeal that as well.

I was always under the impression if you retake a class and get a better grade, it pulls your GPA up quite a bit as it eliminates the old grade from the GPA.
I was always under the impression if you retake a class and get a better grade, it pulls your GPA up quite a bit as it eliminates the old grade from the GPA.

See, that's what I always thought too until they told me it doesn't. And another person told me, you can appeal it after a certain amount of time...either way I'm really confused with all the stuff they told me, and I think it would be best if I left to a better school, if things don't change.
I don't know how the school works because I've never had to deal with problems like this. I usually just go to class, and come straight home. And as much as I wanted to stay in school, I just couldn't take the pain. I really need to stay in school now though. I want to make something of myself, and prove that they were wrong to judge me.

See, that's what I always thought too until they told me it doesn't. And another person told me, you can appeal it after a certain amount of time...either way I'm really confused with all the stuff they told me, and I think it would be best if I left to a better school, if things don't change.

every student is given a student handbook as they enter college. it contains EVERYTHING you need to know about college system. I read it like Bible and I can't tell you how many times it saves my ass. You need to find one and read it - from cover to cover. I guarantee you that it has answers to all of your questions.

if the school is not following the procedure as stated in the book, you have a very strong legal case against them. easy.
every student is given a student handbook as they enter college. it contains EVERYTHING you need to know about college system. I read it like Bible and I can't tell you how many times it saves my ass. You need to find one and read it - from cover to cover. I guarantee you that it has answers to all of your questions.

if the school is not following the procedure as stated in the book, you have a very strong legal case against them. easy.

There's a student handbook? I never got one. I'm going to look into that tomorrow.Thanks.
There's a student handbook? I never got one. I'm going to look into that tomorrow.Thanks.
You should have gotten either a hard copy at orientation, or the website link for the online version. I can't believe you've been attending a college for years and no one ever mentioned the student handbook. That's the source for all the rules and regulation, and services at the college.

Did you even attend orientation, either in person or online?
From the COS's Student Handbook:

Withdrawal From College

Official notice must be given when a student decides to withdraw from college. This is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY. Failure to complete withdrawal procedures may result in failing grades in all subjects. Withdrawals are processed by using the COS Telephone Access System.

Withdrawal is only permissible through the 10th week of the semester unless extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control exist. These cases must be thoroughly documented as outlined in college policy. Extenuating circumstance withdrawals after the tenth week must be requested with documentation provided in the Admissions and Records office, room 107.
Withdrawal From College

BTW, I found this information in less than one minute online. It shouldn't take months or years.
Drop a Class

To drop classes before the semester begins:

After you have registered, you may wish to drop a class or completely withdraw from all classes.
Drop classes on the WEB (COS - College of the Sequoias ) or
on the Telephone Access System (559) 737-6101; choose the Registration option.
WEB and Telephone Systems are available Monday through Saturday; 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

To drop classes after the semester begins:

Classes may be dropped on the WEB or through the Telephone Access System
Classes must be dropped by the first two weeks of the semester to receive a refund and no “W” on transcript.
Drops processed the third through tenth week of the semester will result in a "W" on the transcript and there is no refund.

This drop information does not apply to short-term classes; each short-term class has its own add and drop date.

Check the Schedule of Classes for refund and final drop deadlines!
Drop a Class
I was always under the impression if you retake a class and get a better grade, it pulls your GPA up quite a bit as it eliminates the old grade from the GPA.

That is right. I failed a class and retook it. They replaced my failing grade with my passing one. On my trascript no would no I failed the class the first time.
You should have gotten either a hard copy at orientation, or the website link for the online version. I can't believe you've been attending a college for years and no one ever mentioned the student handbook. That's the source for all the rules and regulation, and services at the college.

Did you even attend orientation, either in person or online?

I attended in person with my mom. They just had me watch a video, and write an answer response...and that was it.
That is right. I failed a class and retook it. They replaced my failing grade with my passing one. On my trascript no would no I failed the class the first time.

Now I know! :giggle:
See, but I've never had trouble with the school before. Either way today I'm going to see if I can get that handbook.
You shouldn't wait until you have trouble. You should be proactive and avoid problems. If you keep yourself informed, many of these problems won't sneak up and bite you.
That is right. I failed a class and retook it. They replaced my failing grade with my passing one. On my trascript no would no I failed the class the first time.

See, so I was right then...what they told me isn't true, or shouldn't be if the previous grade that was not past was disregarded and replaced with the new one.
You shouldn't wait until you have trouble. You should be proactive and avoid problems. If you keep yourself informed, many of these problems won't sneak up and bite you.

Yea...I just never new about this stuff cause no one ever informed me. But I am going to go look around campus for a student handbook, if things don't change during or before spring semester then I am just going to leave.
Yea...I just never new about this stuff cause no one ever informed me. But I am going to go look around campus for a student handbook, if things don't change during or before spring semester then I am just going to leave.

I would check with office first. I am pretty sure they would have a copy. If not, I would check library next.