I need some help...I'm new on this website.


New Member
Dec 13, 2007
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I'm Emily. I am Hearing Impaired... I really need some help with this lol. This all is new for me.
I've never been around a hearing loss person like me.
Hi Emily, how old are you? When did you find out you were losing your hearing?

I am 26, almost 27, and have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and on a bad day I can hardly hear anything but the ringing. on a good day I can hear almost 100%
I was born with the hearing loss. I am 17 years old. I've been struggling through my whole life and been depressed because I don't have any friends with a hearing loss.
Hi this is Emily
I have a quick question...Can we chat on here? I really dont know anything on here.

This is not chatroom, but if you have something to say, go ahead post.
If private/ personal conversation, talk through the Private Message, or AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ/others.
Hi there! :welcome: to AD! Like you, I grew up around all hearing people and hearing peers with the exception of my best friend who is deaf (she went to another school until high school). I struggled and was depressed for a long time. I felt very isolated and left out most of the time.

I learned ASL (American Sign Language) at 25 years old and now I am 35 years old and very much involved in the Deaf community and my life is a whole lot better than it was before I learned ASL.

Hope you will find some Deaf or HOH friends.
I'm also 17. AllDeaf is a fourm where people post different threads/pages about different topics. Also I noticed your sn are you a barrel racer? I also ride horses how long have you been riding? Have fun just look around and post everyone is really friendly! I think you'll like it
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! As the person who posted before this one, she's correct that this is a place where the Deaf/HoH/C.I. and Hearing can participate in numerous and various type of topics throughout the Forum by posting/reading. This Forum is unique in which it consists of an online-community, a meeting/gathering place to share ideas, opinions, solutions and etc.,....

If you have questions pertaining to navigating here in AD or any other questions, don't hesitate to contact any one of the moderators or administrator here in AD. (for the listing; on the main page, scroll down to where it says: Forum Leaders--clicking on that will bring up a listing.) In the meantime, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD. :)

Hi I am sorry to hear how lonely you are

I am Michelle, 47 year old, live in MN. I am a Mom to a deaf 17 years old son. We use ASL and writing notes. I am hearing but have been depressed at times. My son goes to an all deaf high school, which I think is great for him socially. He plans to go to college. But does not know where yet.

I am concerned that he finds a college that has a deaf/HH community so he feels comfortable.

Anyhow I hope you can reach out and find some resources to help you deal with depression and I hope you find some friends too, that seems very important to me. Keep searching, OK?
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum!!!! I am sorry that you are lonely and never had anyone as deaf or hard of hearing as you. That puzzle me. Were you in a mainstream with a interpreters or go into the school where they have oral only environment? Also you should be with the Deaf or Hard of Hearing in the special classroom while you mainstream with the hearing classroom. As for being at home and not have any social life around deaf and hard of hearing people, only way is to go to Deaf clubs or maybe a Deaf bowling team where many Deaf people socialize. I am Deaf from birth. I went to Seattle Central Community College in Seattle, Washington and we have lots of deaf people there. I don't know where Shelton is and how far from the big city like Seattle and Tacoma. You need to find a deaf event that you can go like looking up the organization in the phone book. You can ask us anything you want to know about what is like to socialize with us, deafies. We are glad you are here. Hope you enjoy typing away all the wonderful questions and answers to the topics on our threads. Good Luck. :wave:
Hi Emily!
Welcome! Alldeaf is a bullition board system , where people post to threads. It's not like a real time chatroom.
It's very addicting.
I feel for you about you feeling depressed and isolated. Especially in HIGH SCHOOL! High school is a horrible time of childhood, unless of course you're a member of one of those popular cliques. It's probaly too late to transfer to a School for the Deaf, seeing as you're probaly a jr or sr. However you could go to Gallaudet or NTID! You might also contact Washington School for the Deaf, and see if they might offer enrichment style things to mainstreamed kids. A lot of times, too there are summer camps at Schools for the Deaf. Lemme look up some resources and I'll get back to you!