I need help writing an ASL story?Anyone know ASL PLEASE HELP?

"Jack saw a tiger"
"Jill saw a lion"
Both, "the gate is open!"
See Jack run.
See Jill run.
Is that your selective course for school, not your major right? just curious. I dont know much about ASL story. ha
Getting an F like a boss.
Lol no but I actually wanna try this time.

How exactly is US doing YOUR homework for you "trying".

If you really want to "try" - "try" doing your own homework.

If you don't have a clue what the assignment is - email the teacher or go and ask them for help.

Don't expect that we're going to jump to your rescue because you didn't take the time to put in any effort of your own.

A lack of planning on your part doesn't constitute and emergency on ours.

(We get asked to do people's homework for them literally dozens of times a week ...it's long past "old" at this point.)
whoever dares to ask to do their homework on this forum oughta get their fanny banned :lol:
In the time you've spent writing, reading, responding you could've easily come up with a story using ASL vocabulary you probably already should know if you weren't a 'D' student.

Seriously amazing how many come here asking people to do their homework.
I have to turn it in the morning.
It needs to be completely written though which i dont get

Maybe you should stop smoking till midnight and get some sleep so you'll be able to do your own homework. Do you there are people here that did not grow up with a computer and had to do their homework all on their own? How I know why I do not want to live too long , just look at how lazy today kids are , if they're trying to get people to do their homework while in high school they most likely will do the same in college . I sure do not want a Dr. that fake their way through college.
Somehow I made it thru my ASL and interpreting courses, and getting my degree, without once going on-line for homework help.
Ya im sorry it kind of is last minute i got it today plus i have hw for other classes to do

Yeah, you don't really get replies. We get hundreds of these requests to help people with their homework all the time... Wouldn't you get sick of it? Oh okay, I need help so I'm going to join this site to get these people to help with my homework because OBVIOUSLY they have nothing better to do! Should have planned ahead, and should use more resources to plan for homework... we're not your damn study guides... Have fun with that F though! :ty: :D I don't support bailing out slackers.