I need help to pick best Range Router.

I use DIR-655 for making calls from VP100, Dlink DVC1000 and MVP as well. No issues with black screen as far I am concerned and I am using the latest firmware downloaded from Dlink FTP site. I don't really know what the issue youre having with DIR-655 is but I suggest you to open every ports possible allowing cross VP platforms compatibility (Eg VP-MVP)

I only have one VP200 on my 655 that all, My issue is only VP200 to VP200 just with one friend. Everyone else VP200 works fine connect to my VP200.

I am using the latest firmware 1.21 but they recently release the beta firmware 1.30 so I am waiting because you cannot downgrade back after 1.30 so I might go ahead and install 1.30 firmware tonight and try it.

As far I am aware every ports are opened and it could be a conflict between my DSL modem and my 655 but I am not sure about this yet. I am still looking into this. Remember it just one friend with VP200 that I have black screen with. All other friends no problem and no black screen on 655.

Only one glitch in firmware code or little misconfiguration settings can create big dramas

I already reset it to default and try many configuration like DMZ only then tried only using port forwarding etc all works great on everyone else VP but just one same friend VP is black screen.

No matter what Sorenson, HOVRS or other techs in VRS companies try their best helping you. They are full of dumb asses and has had enough with these people. I had an engineer from D-Link remoting into my DIR-655 router and had made some configuration changes allowing all video calls to work. Thats the only way they can help me.

They may not be full knowledgable but there are some certain folks that could actually give you some past history of what they learn helping someone everyday of what to check or ideas where to invegate and troubleshoot the problem yourself.

No matter how advanced you are, I am a certified Microsoft Windows Engineer working for Kaiser Permanente and has worked for IBM for 10 years. I get mistakes in setting up configuration for my DIR-655. Get some help from D-Link and have them to look into your router remotely

Certified don't mean nothing to me because anyone can study for it and past the test.

It the experience of going out and setting up computer networking and routers all the time for everyone that counts. Everyone in my commuities always calling me to go to their home and fix "VP installer mistake" or when their router "loses it settings" or someone stupidly presses the pretty black small dot button "Reset" on the back of the router etc ...

Now it could be I have a defective 655 and I am plan on trying the beta firmware soon. I can't not even use the DSL modem to do PPPOE because the router would not find the DNS server from the DSL modem so I have to put DSL modem in bridge mode and use PPPOE on 655.

But with the older Dlink 604 I can use PPPOE on DSL Modem and it will see the DNS server just fine so for some reason the 665 is not seeing the DNS server provided by the DSL Modem because I cannot reach the internet using domain name but only numberic ip addressing when using 655.

I know I can use openDNS and put it on the router and I have actually done that before but still it black screen that one same friend.

Again it is not friend's fault but mine because if I use 604 then no problem between us on VP

and I have no problem with anyone else on VP with 655 either just one same friend VP that all ...

My 665 might be bad and need to be send in repair ...... I am still doing more testing before I call Dlink and talk with them and see what they think.

I tried the new 1.30 beta firmware on the 655 tonight ...

DMZ on 1.30 still seem to be buggy and doesn't work

Then I tried Port Forwarding on 1.30 firmware and it finally work no more black screen ...

Now VP200 working on 665 with new firmware 1.30 beta and port fowarding call to one my friend no more black screen ..

I have the DIR-655 and firmware 1.32NA with VP-200.

What are the port forwarding numbers that you set up as? I was told to uncheck "Enabled SLI" I am not quite comfortable about it leaving that off.


(sorry for digging up an old post)
I have the DIR-655 and firmware 1.32NA with VP-200.

What are the port forwarding numbers that you set up as? I was told to uncheck "Enabled SLI" I am not quite comfortable about it leaving that off.


(sorry for digging up an old post)

I am not using DIR-655 as a router anymore because I brought a 2Wire DSL router and got rid of my old DSL modem so I have the 2Wire doing all the DCHP and Port Forwarding for me.

MY 655 is just a wireless access now with DCHP disabled plugged into the 2Wire because it have a good range.

The port forwarding for VP-200 I use is

TCP/UDP 1720

TCP/UDP 15328-15348
