I need an opinion.

Which new toy should I get.

  • XM Satelite Radio

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Oddball said:
Oh, moi? Oh, no. :nono: :rofl:
I hope not, cuz then I will have to use the GPS to find my way out of harms way...LOL
prostock19 said:
I hope not, cuz then I will have to use the GPS to find my way out of harms way...LOL

Nah, I won't stalk you anyway. Relax. :nana:
Umm... I dont know what to vote the poll.. but my advice will be for you.. forget the new toy (s) for *now*.. and get yourself a place... then start collect new toy (s) later..! :)

MsGiglz said:
Umm... I dont know what to vote the poll.. but my advice will be for you.. forget the new toy (s) for *now*.. and get yourself a place... then start collect new toy (s) later..! :)


:werd: i would rather to have ATV, Jet SKI, snowmobile as my new toy..
Ok, I ordered the GPS. It took me a while to order it. I did alot of research on them. I looked at Afordablility and Use. Right now, I am just looking for a GPS that I can use in the car. I have seen cheap Handhelds for about $100, but, I would have to buy software ($40) and PC Connectivity ($15+). So, right now, I am going to try the kit I got. If I like it and find it usefull, maybe in the future I will upgrade. I am expecting it in a few days, so when I get it, I will let everyone know if I like it or not.
prostock19 said:
Ok, I ordered the GPS. It took me a while to order it. I did alot of research on them. I looked at Afordablility and Use. Right now, I am just looking for a GPS that I can use in the car. I have seen cheap Handhelds for about $100, but, I would have to buy software ($40) and PC Connectivity ($15+). So, right now, I am going to try the kit I got. If I like it and find it usefull, maybe in the future I will upgrade. I am expecting it in a few days, so when I get it, I will let everyone know if I like it or not.

i know my dad has one.. i love it.. nice to see where u are and what road is next ahead of u.. i'm wondering if u have to pay for monthly service charges? just like cell phone, pager.... i think my dad does that in order to keep it working..
Wise choice matty boy i know u *WANT* this at least u have something, BUT hey also remmy u also need a warm place to live and all that sorts so it's a good idea to also save some money aside and look for a place to live too.. :)
javapride said:
Wise choice matty boy i know u *WANT* this at least u have something, BUT hey also remmy u also need a warm place to live and all that sorts so it's a good idea to also save some money aside and look for a place to live too.. :)
I have a warm place to live. I would like a warm place to live on my own, though.

Deafscuba, you don't need to pay. It is free for all to use, thanx to The Pentagon.
Imp says he's gonna build something like GPS into the ol' car with a lappie and mapping software. (my crazy inventor hubby) :lol: god, I hope that doesn't get us lost..... well, good luck with the GPS post!