Reba Retired Terp Premium Member Joined Jun 8, 2004 Messages 54,899 Reaction score 1,518 Apr 24, 2014 #21 Sushi
whatdidyousay! Well-Known Member Joined May 19, 2009 Messages 29,358 Reaction score 813 Apr 24, 2014 #23 Mewtilation said: Fish stick. I'm bad with naming things... You're talking to a girl who named her cats Skittles and Starburst... Click to expand... I had a cat that I named her Kitty and when I called for my cat I had about 3 or 4 more 'kitties' coming into my yard to eat! LOL!
Mewtilation said: Fish stick. I'm bad with naming things... You're talking to a girl who named her cats Skittles and Starburst... Click to expand... I had a cat that I named her Kitty and when I called for my cat I had about 3 or 4 more 'kitties' coming into my yard to eat! LOL!