I Makes Me Really Am Proud Of Whom???

Million Thanks To Aders!!!!!!


Me, Maeisa, and my preicous son.
(my son was cold, he felt not so well.)

shel90, SherryCherish, Fly Free, JLFWildKat, Lil Contry gal, VamPyroX, Mecooncat, KINGOFNOOBS, sequoias, LovelyBlkGal, ghsh1996, Koala, Bewitched, LuciaDisturbed, Jolie_77, Liebling, misslsej, DeafMonkey, FelixKat930
Thank you for your words truly inspire me! I really apperciate it! Of course your own kids make you really proud of them too, I aware some of you dont have own.. :)

shel90: 20inch, 9lb 4oz, and born on time was 12:17am!

koala: Of course I love to watch childern growing up till my hair turn grey.. ;)

VamPyroX: hahaha, I never thought that along of what you got good point! I take your excellet advice of words for certain! thanks!

Bewitched: Yeah, She watched her mother during delivery from a to z. She is exciting her new sibling.. ;) btw: i did not know you got PREGANT!! I wish you both the best luck with new family in future events..

Liebling: Yeah, I am excitng to be father again. I promise you that I will treat my daughter as THE PRINCESS! for my rest.... :) thanks..

At once, Many thanks!! I hope you have nice weekend!!
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My husband and I are glad that K had seen the birth. I remember my dad who was a doctor (OBGYN) took me and my older sister to the hospital and he had us watch the birth. I thought it was awesome (and gross) ha. It was very educational for both of us and probably he wanted us to be prepare for the future. So again, congratulations! I like the name of your daughter, its unique!!! Tell K and J hi from their daddy!! He misses them so much.
I have 2 kids son, 19 and daughter, will be 16 in June. She's the one gives me all the gray hair. I can't wait to be a Grandma in future (hopefully):fingersx:

I can see your son isn't feeling well. His poor nose is all red. How is the siblings treating her? I bet they adore her.
I'm behind the news....

wow, Amazing News! Congrats fatherly again....
so princess cute baby girl... Lovely your daughter's name.

Lovely family!
Congrats again!
Very sweet pictures. :)

Best wishes for Maeisa, and to all your family. :hug:
Aww beautiful daughter! Congratulations!!! ;)
CONGRATULATIONS!! on your new baby daughter!! she is
sooo beautiful and your son is handsome too!! I really
like that picture of you, the new baby and your son!!
again Congrats!!!
PurrMeow, GalaxyAngel, Reba, Cheri, and Defee
At once, Thank you and everyone for your words truly pleasure me!

Bewitched: I am so glad that you like my daughter's unique name! Bewit, I knew you are so nice lady. I would like o tell hi to his kids for him, but I feel not something right to tell them for him.. Here I just courage you as you courage and support your husband send the postcard or a letter to kids, not for me nor for kids mother.. they need to hear his words as comfortable and trust him, and let them know that he is always there for them. not force him to send something to his kids. its just up to him.. He knew his kids really miss him, they wonder what he doing. if he accpet his own reponsbile to send postcard or a letter to his kids as let them know that their dad love them..

I really wish him the best luck for new life with you and unborn baby in events.. :)

Mecooncat: siblings are so exciting newborn, they always say, my new sister/ brother. they are very happy in face everyday, i tell you the truth! ;)

Liebling: Again thank you so much, Of course I want to be family man to kids and woman in my rest, because they are not the HUMAN TOYS!
At once, Thank you and everyone for your words truly pleasure me!

Bewitched: I am so glad that you like my daughter's unique name! Bewit, I knew you are so nice lady. I would like o tell hi to his kids for him, but I feel not something right to tell them for him.. Here I just courage you as you courage and support your husband send the postcard or a letter to kids, not for me nor for kids mother.. they need to hear his words as comfortable and trust him, and let them know that he is always there for them. not force him to send something to his kids. its just up to him.. He knew his kids really miss him, they wonder what he doing. if he accpet his own reponsbile to send postcard or a letter to his kids as let them know that their dad love them..

I really wish him the best luck for new life with you and unborn baby in events.. :)

Mecooncat: siblings are so exciting newborn, they always say, my new sister/ brother. they are very happy in face everyday, i tell you the truth! ;)

Liebling: Again thank you so much, Of course I want to be family man to kids and woman in my rest, because they are not the HUMAN TOYS!

Yeah, I will have to agree with you. I thank you for your encouragement. The problem is now we don't have p.o. box and my husband was sending package to previous foster home but we found out the children were returned to their mother... (its nice to have them to be with someone that they are related...) {edited} We just want to make sure everything is cool. I hope this is the time. {edited}That's all we want to do. What do you think? :)

My husband misses them as they misses them. Last summer we had a blast and surprisingly, they interacted with us VERY well. We thought there were be some problems. There were NONE. We were so grateful that we had so much fun. Those kids are amazing!!!!! So is your son, sweet boy. I've met him. I wanna adopt him but ofc he's yours!!!!!! :) so let me know what you think about myspace.
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..ummm....(Mod Notice: Post that was previously above mine has been removed--so no further misunderstanding nor drama can get out of hand.)

Not sure what's going on here or what's taking place. However, if you or any member is bringing in personal items, personal information, etc., please use the PM (private messaging) feature here in AD rather than posting here in AD for others to 'see'. (that is if you don't want others to see or know--)

From what I'm seeing, it's possible there is a misunderstanding here and no malicious intention was shown. Perhaps it's best to 'stop' for a moment...take a deep breath and let it go? ;) Otherwise, keep personal information and such where it belongs.

Other than that, baby girl looks really cool and pretty! Congratulations and you definitely look like a very happy father! :applause:


(edit: my bad, my bad...I apologize profusely after I said, baby 'son'...opps--sry :whistle: )
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Not sure what's going on here or what's taking place. However, if you or any member is bringing in personal items, personal information, etc., please use the PM (private messaging) feature here in AD rather than posting here in AD for others to 'see'. (that is if you don't want others to see or know--)

From what I'm seeing, it's possible there is a misunderstanding here and no malicious intention was shown. Perhaps it's best to 'stop' for a moment...take a deep breath and let it go? ;) Otherwise, keep personal information and such where it belongs.

Other than that, baby son looks really cool and handsome! Congratulations and you definitely look like a very happy father! :applause:



Yes definitely misunderstanding,... BUT it was MY MISTAKE to bring this up in this thread. I wanted to pm him but no way to reach him in this website. I will not do this again. You have my apologies. Yikes, how embarassing.

Aww Congratulations!! you have a very beautiful family too....

Yes definitely misunderstanding,... BUT it was MY MISTAKE to bring this up in this thread. I wanted to pm him but no way to reach him in this website. I will not do this again. You have my apologies. Yikes, how embarassing.


Don't be embarrassed...apparently this does look like a simple misunderstanding and from my perspective, your post looked fine...yet, there might be a few things that would be better served if the PM feature was used. Other than that, continue to enjoy your stay in here. ;)

Don't be embarrassed...apparently this does look like a simple misunderstanding and from my perspective, your post looked fine...yet, there might be a few things that would be better served if the PM feature was used. Other than that, continue to enjoy your stay in here. ;)

Thanks. * feel relieved* At that day I tried to pm and his pm wasn't available. SO.. I thought this is a way to reach him but I was gravely mistaken. Thanks!!
Xgm3r, I apologize to make you upset. Thanks. Again, Congrats!
Roadrunner, and everyone, :ty: for inspired comments! ;)

Thanks. * feel relieved* At that day I tried to pm and his pm wasn't available. SO.. I thought this is a way to reach him but I was gravely mistaken. Thanks!!
Xgm3r, I apologize to make you upset. Thanks. Again, Congrats!
Bewitched, Yeah you did pm me on date: 02-25-2007. my pm is still available since 2003.. anyway forget the past and move on with your life!

I really wish you guys the best luck in events..