I love it when....

I love it when Kyle have fun with me.
I love it when my boss told me today, "you're off for the weekend, take a easy". YAYNESS me, no work for a whole weekend without any animals cry or owners cry..i'm off duty!! woot.
I love it when my boss gave me a good review of my job performance that Friday (yesterday) I received exceeds expections review. :)
I love it when my husband comes home with my fave snack or cold coffee w/o asking. He knows when I carve something.
I love it when my kids wake up in the morning, and they're like warm towels fresh from the dryer. And they love to cuddle next to me in my bed for those precious few moments...before they fully wake up and dart off to play and beg for pancakes.
i love it when i ride my surfboard on the waves and its makes me feel free-
i love it when i am horny to go to store and buy caramel candies, made me so worn out from eat.
I love it when I tease my beloved dog about her bath time. We would play the hidenseek game until I win.
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where's the love?