I love all of deaf

Welcome to AllDeaf, you seem a nice person and nice to meet you! Alldeaf is a great way to learn English and be around with deaf people so you won't be alone!

I am sorry about your massage... I saw This massage very late

Thank you "Spunklavender"
I'm glad to meet you
We are a really friend:angel:
Hi Elham! I recently found this wonderful website as well. I'm curious about what your experience was like in school as a child (assuming you were hard of hearing at that age). Is it true that deaf and hard of hearing are generally taught the oral method (rather than sign language) in Iran? Do you use sign language, or do you rely on your residual hearing and/or lip reading to communicate?


Hi Rosie:ty:
In Iran Use sign language a lot – but I don’t like to use sign language.. because I use a good hearing AID and sometimes rely on lip reading and can speak:hmm:
Hello elham,
A Belated Welcome to AllDeaf. So great to have someone like you from far Tehran, Iran.
Be assured even though U.S.A don't like your President Mahmud Ahmadnejad because of his planned
Nuclear ambition to destroy Israel & World. YOU are very special and Deaf community Welcomes you.
So Keep in touch and you are even Welcome to visit Deaf community in U.S.
Cheers. CoolMikey.
Hi Rosie:ty:
In Iran Use sign language a lot – but I don’t like to use sign language.. because I use a good hearing AID and sometimes rely on lip reading and can speak:hmm:

Well, one of this days, you might lose your hearing even if you could not hear well from your hearing aids and have to struggle trying to make out what hearing people say. It is good that you can lipread but still miss out a lot and only get about 30% comprehension (be able to understand) of what hearing people say. You might have to use note and pen to write between you and the hearing person. As for speaking, it is good you can speak enough for the hearing people to understand you.

Still it would be good practice if you learn Iran Sign Language so that way you won't feel left out with the d/Deaf people. Being in the hearing world is not easy when there is complication of struggling to understand them. I don't know why you don't like Iran Sign Language. Sign Language is the primary language for all d/Deaf people. Don't you agree with that? :hmm:
Hi Rosie:ty:
In Iran Use sign language a lot – but I don’t like to use sign language.. because I use a good hearing AID and sometimes rely on lip reading and can speak:hmm:

with respect if you all wearing a viel how do you lip read
the h.a under burka and mouth covered dont make it easy..yes bit awkward elham not responsible for the cruel way my sisterinlaw died or horrors my brother went through getting their children out of country way back 1979/80
Well, one of this days, you might lose your hearing even if you could not hear well from your hearing aids and have to struggle trying to make out what hearing people say. It is good that you can lipread but still miss out a lot and only get about 30% comprehension (be able to understand) of what hearing people say. You might have to use note and pen to write between you and the hearing person. As for speaking, it is good you can speak enough for the hearing people to understand you.

Still it would be good practice if you learn Iran Sign Language so that way you won't feel left out with the d/Deaf people. Being in the hearing world is not easy when there is complication of struggling to understand them. I don't know why you don't like Iran Sign Language. Sign Language is the primary language for all d/Deaf people. Don't you agree with that? :hmm:

Thanks a lot Bebonang
yes I'm agree . but SIGN language learning is hard for me.:hmm: so I try to learn as soon....:deaf:
Hello elham,
A Belated Welcome to AllDeaf. So great to have someone like you from far Tehran, Iran.
Be assured even though U.S.A don't like your President Mahmud Ahmadnejad because of his planned
Nuclear ambition to destroy Israel & World. YOU are very special and Deaf community Welcomes you.
So Keep in touch and you are even Welcome to visit Deaf community in U.S.
Cheers. CoolMikey.

Thank you coolMikey
Are their Videophone, Webcam, iPad has been forbidden in Iran by strict Islam law? lol, just kidding.

Welcome to AllDeaf, anyway
i sign with algerians they do fsl. they not bad bsl asl that in paris.
Hello elham, and welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here! I am new myself, and the people here seem very nice!