I like science fiction. Does anyone else?

Stanelle Yodere

New Member
Jul 13, 2004
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I like science fiction and I love the strange weird scifi show called "Lexx.!" :werd:

Is anyone else here a scifi fan and do you like "Lexx?" :boink:

This is what I think of over "war-oriented" Star Trek!! :booty:

Does anyone else here like science fiction and if so, what kind? Knock me over with your answers!!

Yup I Do .... I Usually Watch Slider , Babylon5 , "v" , Of Course Huge Fans Of Star Trek , Can't Think Of Any More ... Cuz I Stop Watch Tv In Lately As I Haven't Fellow Up On Tv For About Four Months Now Which It Make Me Feel Great Lol ... I Usually Watch Annnyyy Spaceship That Drive Me Up And Down ... Not That Horror Movie Or Bloody Movie U Know What I Am Talk About ...
I like science fiction. However, I'm not a great fan of Lexx. I've seen a few episodes of that show and it doesn't quite look appealing to me. I rather stick with Star Trek than Lexx. Heh!
I like sci-fi stuff, too. If you like a lot of sci-fi movies and tv series. You could visit this site which is hosted by a mate of mine: Sci Fi forums

I do love Scifi... Lexx is not my favorite. Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 is my favorite :D
I am trekkie freak!! I love Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyagers. Star Trek the original is okay. I don't like the new one ENTERPRISE. I love Buffy, XENA, X-Mutant, on and on!!! I was sooo crazy about XENA. I still love XENA since they aren't on the show anymore except DVDs.. ;)
Zericsrats said:
I do love Scifi... Lexx is not my favorite. Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 is my favorite :D
:werd: I'm beginning to enjoy Stargate SG-1. I saw the first episode, then a couple others. I ended up being too busy to watch the others, but now, I'm catching up with the new ones that's coming up on television now. :)
I don't enjoy Sci-fi movies. Star Trek bore me to death. Babylons and other weird movies just bore me out. I like reality movies LOL. I like funny movies, but not dirty funny movies such as Anger Management (saw it recently) and it's a big "boo!" Thumbs down.
I like some sci-fi stuff too but not the VERY boring sci-fi stuff lol...

I like some sci-fi like the movie "Lost in Space", "alien", and "The Matrix" trigoloy...

some animes that are sci-fi as well.."bubble gum crisi 2040", "gundam W", and "Tenchi Muyo!"
VamPyroX said:
:werd: I'm beginning to enjoy Stargate SG-1. I saw the first episode, then a couple others. I ended up being too busy to watch the others, but now, I'm catching up with the new ones that's coming up on television now. :)

Cool... Everyday Mon will be six hours. On Fri is new show... :wave: :D
Zericsrats said:
Cool... Everyday Mon will be six hours. On Fri is new show... :wave: :D
Every Monday is 6 hours? What do you mean by that? Are you saying they will show 6 episodes in a row every Monday night? I am already looking forward to the new Stargate: Atlantis show this Friday. :thumb:
My hubby and I love to watch sci-fiction any kinds t.v. showing espically NOT LEXX..
Lexx is sucks big time. and Also simlair like Linica's comment.. extactly we are! :thumb:
Accccccck! Change of name!

I have had to change my online name from Stanelle Yoder to mysteriesofthes. I have a deaf friend, who uses that online name and she objected to me using that name! Same person now as person who started this post. Just a name change!!
Star Trek
Star Trek: TNG
Star Trek: Voyagers (#1)
Star Trek: Enterprise
Quantum Leap (always said “Oh Boy”)

That’s it.
I just can't wait to see "alien vs. predator" that's coming into theatres this august...

must be going gold already! :D
sablescort said:

It rocks for me ;)

Quantum Leap is my one and only SF show I would always watch.
I hear they might make a movie from that show. A friend of mine told me that the reason Scott Bakula accepted the role as captain in Star Trek: Enterprise was in order to achieve his role in the upcoming movie for Quantum Leap.
sablescort said:

It rocks for me ;)

Quantum Leap is my one and only SF show I would always watch.

Awwww...Quantum Leap was always my main favourite sci-fi/comedy tv series!! I'd watch the repeats over and over on the Sci-Fi channel every night at midnight, :lol:

I had the hots for Scott Bakula, ehhehe!
VamPyroX said:
I hear they might make a movie from that show. A friend of mine told me that the reason Scott Bakula accepted the role as captain in Star Trek: Enterprise was in order to achieve his role in the upcoming movie for Quantum Leap.

Yeah? I sure hope so!! I'd get the DVD of the Quantum Leap movie! ;)

My favourite ep was when he went back in time and was himself as a young boy and got to see his father again.

Also the other ep with that deaf lady dancer. :D

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