I Know It Is Too Early But... I Love To Fall In Love With Fall.

yeah, suppose so, regarding dates! and it certainly does have its "good" and "bad". I sometimes wished for a little sister. But other times I lliked being an only child. My parents tried for some time and had finally given up when my mom found out she was pregnant. She was 39 or 40, not sure...so it was a surprise. It was a difficult pregnancy toward end and I was born very premature.

I was not a premature but my folks were also older. I haven't figured it out as exactly for my dad's side but the gals on my mom's side were both 38 or almost. My mother was exactly 2 month's shy of 38 when I was born and dad was a year & a half older.

With mom having so many older sibs and how old my folks were when they had me I knew about things from waaay back. I even got asked how old I was because of what I knew about! It seems my folks skipped a generation in that some of the grandparents of the kids I went to school with had gone to school with my mother (Dad was living out in a tiny town in the area at that age).

So similar but I have a feeling about a generation apart just because you mention your folks still being alive. Where we do differ is religion. I am not Jewish but a long time member of what is now the United Church of Christ. It was created by combining several different denominations over the years.
Well I guess that is similar...interesting how you got asked how old you were - funny too because I got asked that too - but people asked me because I looked/look much younger than I am. My dad is the same way physically- more obvious when he was younger of course. A bagger at the grocery store assumed I was starting high school one time when I was there with my dad <I lived with my parents through college> , and asked me what school I was going to. My dad explained I was in college...

My parents are alive and enjoying their retirement. My dad retired from full time third shift security at age 80. He now enjoys Tai Chi, taking long walks, reading books, among other things. My parents are involved with their synagogue; my mom has been on some boards/committees I've heard of UCC. I'm involvedin a local UU church and some of the people there were originally with UCC.
That is very Fall-y, SilverRoxy, I like it...now am smelling local apples and pumpkin pies....:lol:
I haven't been able to buy ripe apples at the grocery stores , they're green inside , I love a nice ripe apple to share with my dog .
I haven't been able to buy ripe apples at the grocery stores , they're green inside , I love a nice ripe apple to share with my dog .

I've never tried apples with my dog! We eat carrots together all the time, though.
I've never tried apples with my dog! We eat carrots together all the time, though.
Yeah my dogs love apples , but dogs can't eat the skin or seeds as they contain cyanide .. I give my dog carrot too.
I love Fall the best better than Summer time (too hot and bug pests). I am glad that I don't have to put up with bugs and mosquitoes. I love the colors of the leaves ready to fall from the trees. I am not looking forward to Halloween but I do love to give candies to kids if they come knocking on doors. Kids have their fantasies with Halloween, Christmas and Easter, even Valentine which parents could not tell them the truth about those holidays. Everybody seem happy which make us feel good about ourselves.
I love local seasonal apples! I share carrots and apples often with my dogs, but yes - the dogs shouldn't regularly have the seeds - or the cores<choking hazard>
Skin is -not - a problem. I have routinely for years shared raw, un-peeled apple with my dogs. Organic apples though, is what I usually buy. Except for the local "Fall" ones, which may or may not be organic, in which case I wouldn't share those.

Hi Bebonang, happy to see you!! :) I also love the colors of the leaves!
I wonder how our trees will look this fall b/c of the drought, their leaves were turning yellow and falling off. :(
Fall here is lots and lots of rain, hmm not really looking forward to that...

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