I hope you liberals are satisfied you elected bill clinton 12 years ago.

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Not all Dems are for abortion. Not all Reps are against it. Not all Dems are athiests. Not all Reps believe in God. None of these issues define either party. That is one reason that I vote for candidates, not parties.
deaflibrarian said:
So the man has nothing to do with the fertilizing of the egg? Wow, so I'm using birth control for naught? :eek:
Learn to say no and you wont have that problem..
What does abortion got to do with Bill Clinton?.. :topic: ...
ravensteve1961 said:
Harlymn is right, Because anything left wing just doesnt make sence in this world like abortion for example. Its wrong and you know it. That baby placed in your womb is a gift from god. And you dont have the right to terminate gods gift. And prayer does belong in public school because this nation was founded by god in the begining and everyone one of those quakers first came to america carried a bible with them. So anything liberal just doesnt make sence.

Chill. the msg above reflects a serious ignorance.
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