I have problem at job. Any deafies here cashier?

When you get enough replies regarding this issue, print this out and give it to your boss.

That good idea! I work clothes shop in large shopping center. I often man the cash desk. Most people just pay and say thank you. If ask a question it's always the same. How much? Another size? Do you have this in red ect ect! I can read lips quite well and my speech is very good so most do not realise I am deaf. The odd time I have problem I just ask girl beside me to help. It no big deal. No one ever complain yet.
I used to work as a cashier at Super Target in Nebraska and had no problem dealing with customers and their transactions. There isn't any special skill required to talk to them other than asking them if they will be using cash, check or charge for their purchases. Most of the customers I dealt with were very understanding, and some of them were even deaf or disabled.

I think your boss is ignorant of what you can do as a worker and not as a disabled person if that's his/her perception. Ask him/her again to be given a chance to run a cash register for one day or night to see if you like it or not.

Never hurt to try than to never try.
I have a few deaf friends who are cashiers at Target and Walmart. I have one deaf friend who has what you would call a "deaf accent". Yet, she does her job well.
I used to be a cashier for a small supermarket back in Tennessee for a year.
Ask your boss if you could do "trial work" to prove that you can do the job. Best during low traffic times.
I work as Cashier. The managers loves me because I'm an efficient worker and don't ask many questions. They also made sure that under my name there is a line 'I am deaf' on my name tag. Also they made a couple of signs- one said 'please be patient as I'm deaf' affixed to the register so when customers comes into my aisle they see the sign and go 'ohh right'. Sometimes they'd ask me questions like 'do you lipread?' When I don't understand customer's request then I'd offer paper and pen.

Rarely have a problem with uncouth customers.

So, I don't see why you shouldn't have a go at this position. Tell your boss that there have been many deaf (speaking or non-speaking) people that have had worked at this position and did fine.
I am Profoundly deaf and had worked as temp every xmas (i don't work for them in any part of the year just xmas) for Marks and Spencer in UK. I do everything as per hearing does that includes tills, customer services. "The managers loves me because I'm an efficient worker and don't ask many questions" (miss delectable) had summed this up perfectly of me. The managers put me on the tills the most of evenings as i do the job faster than anyone! Also they always send me an email begging me to come back for xmas (i start in oct and finishes in jan)!! with this i also work at school and goes to college!!

If you are confident enough, knows how to use tills well and i don't see the problem. half the time i don't speak to the customer other than polite hello, how are you etc, or I don't promote things (the managers and i agreed not to do this since it's a bit complicated for me to explain)

And being on the tills is damn noisy and it's hard to hear the customers even for the hearing people anyway!

Good luck.
i dont do cashier or serve due my deaf communicate what my mom says i understand i never application cashier or serve NOPE!

if you search whether chose what you want jobs but please careful in application or you cant hires!
Vocational Rehab had gotten me a job with Sams Club as a cashier when I got my 2 HAs. After completeing all requirements with VR, Sams Club moved me to a stock position as they didn't want a hoh person on the registers.

I informed VR about the situation and they then got me my job with a counseling center that I loved. I worked in administration and entered billing into the State of Missouri Department of Mental Health website. No phone work at all.
Vocational Rehab had gotten me a job with Sams Club as a cashier when I got my 2 HAs. After completeing all requirements with VR, Sams Club moved me to a stock position as they didn't want a hoh person on the registers.

I informed VR about the situation and they then got me my job with a counseling center that I loved. I worked in administration and entered billing into the State of Missouri Department of Mental Health website. No phone work at all.

yep..Im using also vocational rehab also but i still had job coach all the times and i do search jobs and i add their phone number for reference..
Contact your state's Deaf Services division or perhaps Attorney General. What your boss is doing is illegal. Also, contact Target's corporation office and tell them exactly what your boss said to you.

The excuse of not being able to communicate with customers is utter BS. I work in a store and most of the day I work at the cash register - so I requested my name tag has "hearing impaired" written on it. So if someone is moving his head around or barely moving his lips, I point to my name tag and that usually clears up the problem.

I know a deaf guy at one store (same corp as me) and he is one of the most popular cashiers there. Hearing people will wait in line for him to help them instead of going to an open cash register with a hearing clerk. The main reason the hearies like him is because he always smiles at them and is never negative. If someone needs to ask a question, a nearby clerk at the another register will take a few moments and speak with the customer. If he has some sort of trouble and needs help from a supervisor or manager, he simply dials whatever line it is and lets it ring for a few seconds and hangs up. The managers know who called them and will come over and help out. In fact, the local newspaper carried a story about him being Deaf and extremely popular with the hearies.

As a last resort, you could contact either your local newspaper or television station and inform them of your situation. Believe me, they would love to cover this type of discrimination story. The big problem with this, the boss will turn into a complete jerk. Or perhaps corp will get rid of the boss because of the bad publicity.
Depending on who you spoke with at your local Target store, I would talk with the store HR manager first and offer to do a trial run. If you have already discussed the issue with both the store manager and the store HR manager, and they have the same issues still, I would recommend contacting the HR hotline for Target. The number's posted on one of the employee bulletin boards. If I recall, it is confidential. The corporate HR team will then handle it appropriately. You may have to continue to escalate the issue, if needed.
I worked as a cashier at WM for 6 months. The only reason I left is because I found better benefits, hours, and pay at Tyson. There were little issues at the register. If I could understand a customer I just said, sorry I am deaf, could you please write that down? I am having trouble understanding you.
I worked as a cashier at WM for 6 months. The only reason I left is because I found better benefits, hours, and pay at Tyson. There were little issues at the register. If I could understand a customer I just said, sorry I am deaf, could you please write that down? I am having trouble understanding you.

Tyson? :eek3: Chicken or pig or cow? I used work at Tyson (cow) before and worse job ever I had for many years. I worked there for three months then quitted. Yes, they are good benefits, hours, and salary but point system suck!
I have asked my Assistant Mgr that I would like to move up to be a cashier from courtesy clerk position, so she got me on a computer testing on how to operate a register and how to identify fruits and veggies and I passed with flying colors: an A. So, I have been asking her when will I get trained on a register with an actual cashier that will train me, she said she doesn't know, after asking her numerous of times each month, she was like she failed me miserably on getting me up to a cashier. I don't know what the problem is but she hired several more cashiers so *shrugs* I'm still a courtesy clerk but I'm not going to be a courtesy clerk for the rest of my life. I'm currently studying A+ certification which will make me a computer technician. VR is helping me to achieve my goal.
My dad went to the post office and said something to one of the cashier/counter workers who looked at him kind of confusedly (my dad was making a joke or something, just being light hearted and making conversation) and the man standing next to the cashier explained that the man was deaf and probably couldn't understand him. My dad had had no idea at all- he saw no difference in this man than anyone else working there. It doesn't matter if the non-typical stuff is mis-understood, that can all be worked through and around. Prove it to your manager. We know you can do this :D
There's one deaf employee at the Target in Rockford, IL. She worked at another one somewhere in the suburbs of Chicago. She had a white dry erase board by her, stating her name, that she was deaf, fluent in sign language and had another white board besides her for communication. I thought that was pretty cool way to approach it.

I worked in an Auto parts store and was dealing with men and car... stuff all the time. But my boss didn't think it was an issue of me being deaf and working the cash tills.
hurry up and ring me up

I would think people need the right personality to be a cashier. Not to say deaf can't do the job but you have to be able to handle problems and problem customers. the holiday season would also be the worse time to try your hand as a cashier. I sure would be mad if I had to wait for a slow cashier, I run into slow ones at walmart