I have appointment with tsa


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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i have appointment with TSA next weeks on october 26 because im so pissed off with TSA workers but I would sue TSA workers and who i am when im traveling from Little Rock,Ar and leaving from Kansas City,Mo

I explain my mom about that and her schedules is so isane so im move schedule im explain my mom why im setup and i need proof my birth certificate,passport and mores but i will show TSA workers of disability as deaf&hard of hearing need respect for deaf people and ADA also..

Have any idea? Advice

Im so pissed off with TSA workers when im leaving from my home in Little Rock,Ar and leaving from Kansas City,Mo but i have words with TSA workers who i am and TSA Worker pat me my body im so pissed off!! But TSA workers have no right took my belongs without my knowledge..
If you don't follow TSA rules so they can frowned and uneasy with you.

Check TSA websites and follow their rules.