I Have an Announcement

Levonian said:
Mayflower has never been able to get pregnant, so we’re assuming that she can’t. We’re planning to adopt deaf children. :)
Oh im sorry! but Levon..please dont use the word "assume" cuz it might happen! Some women have harder time getting pregnant than others..my mother, some of my aunts and i had hard time getting pregnant in the past.
It took me 3 years before i finally got pregnant! my mom told me with my brother it took her 2 years and with me, 5 years! Unfortunately, after i had my first child, i was unable to get pregnant again! Drs dont know why.
You two might want to check with your doctors to make sure there are no underlying problems like low sperm count, her ovaries not working etc..could be a lot of things preventing from getting pregnant. Dont give up! and good luck! it would be wonderful if you plan on adopting deaf children!
Well, the inter-species thing might be an issue… :mrgreen: Seriously, though—Mayflower has tried several times in the past to become pregnant, without success. It won’t be the end of the world for us if she can’t conceive. A famous neurologist once said to John Tracy’s mother "you are blessed among women". "Yours can be a very interesting life". Although Louise Tracy later said that while it hadn’t been the blessing she would have ever prayed for, "certainly mine has been an interesting life". :)
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